Friday, October 1, 2010

All about the Oregon Trail...

Sydney spells out her name in the sand...
with just a little help.

A mere 21 months old, but there is one thing that Sydney knows, it's traveling.  Even at her young age, she has already graced three different continents (albeit in her fetal state), and visited four different countries (Italy, France, and Canada also during her fantastic fetal stage...but Australia was definitely during life on the outside.) 

So, what does this worldly traveler do?...add the Oregon trail to her travel resume, of course.'s been a while since I took history, so I'm not completely sure the exact path of the Oregon Trail, and I'm sure we were no where close to it, but I thought this was just a fun way of saying Sydney got to go to Oregon to visit her uncle and cousins.

A quick visit to the Glass House,
but glass.

She had a great time visiting Florence and seeing family that she only gets to visit with just once in a while (and not often enough).  She spent Friday night getting in touch with her aquatic-side, to the point where I assumed her and her cousins would begin to grow gills, but it was a great time.  The fact that the hotel had a wade-in poll and also some other water attractions (automated sprayers and buckets, etc.) made it a very entertaining time.  Saturday resulted in some time at the beach, and although it was a little overcast, it was still great to be at the ocean.

Sydney is always entertained by her cousins, and she loved being able to show off her new words, spunky pigtails, and her love for books.  She enjoyed spending time with all of them...and she really hopes to be able to see them all at Christmas!!!

Sydney with cousin Desi :)
Karen, Nick, Thomas, Nathan, and Desi in back...
Pickle and Sydney in front...
Have a great weekend everyone!!!

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