Sunday, December 20, 2009

From Fetus to Fantastic...One Year Down!!!

Sydney certainly decided that she could have her cake...and eat it too. She experienced a great first that she'll remember for years to come (partly from the assistance of high resolution 10-megabyte pictures and high-definition video). She loved the gifts, loved the company, and embraced the conversations. She was also glad to taste the sugary delights of her birthday cake. Although she managed to maul the poor cake beyond recognition (before picture shown below), she was able to manage getting a decent amount of frosting (and hints of cake) into her mouth.

The conclusion of her first year on the outside has been an adventurous one for her, and for her parents. The time has been extremely rewarding, and no regrets can be found.

Her growth has also meant another change in her life...transition from the infant room to the toddler room at daycare. While this demonstrates positive progress in most respects, her mom was clearly not equipped to handle this information. Once the shock wore off, she began to accept that her little girl was getting bigger. In light of this change, Sydney would very much like to thank teachers Danielle, Sarah, and Morgan for watching her back while in the infant room. Because you had her back, she did not get shanked or shiv'd by unsuspecting suspects. She did thoroughly enjoy her time with you, and she plans to provide waves and big smiles everyday as she passes and visits.

What does the second year hold for Sydney? We can only guess. As her walking skills increase exponentially on a daily basis, we can assume that her progress on the talking front will begin to take off in the near future.

Tip #22: Children & Hotels
Many hotels offer roll-away beds. When travelling with a child, request several roll-away beds. You can use the mattress to create an enclosed area that will keep the sound of your screaming child to a minimum, much to the appreciation of other hotel guests.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Sydney...a year in review

Much like other 12 month old babies, Sydney wanted to have time to reflect back over her first year of life and discover what she has gained from her journey, both in knowledge and experience.

After reading a few recommended publications, she made sure she complied with all of the milestones..eating certain foods at the right time...showing the right growth...taking her first step within the expected period. But she wanted to overlook those mundane facts and focus her thoughts things that appealed more to her personal curiousities. And since many of her initial curiousities came in the form of simple yes/no questions, I've shared what she has learned using that same format...based on what she has told me.

-Yes, my parents do look tired the next day when I stay up late screaming
-No, the cats do not like clumps of hair removed from their body
-Yes, my bodily functions can match any full grown human adult as well as some larger mammals
-No, no matter how hard I scream I haven't been able to break glass
-Yes, however, I will keep trying to break glass
-No, strained peas are no fun...I don't care how old you are or under-developed your taste buds are!
-Yes, dad does like duct tape
-No, as fun as it is...poop does not make good artwork on the walls
-Yes, you can make parents react quickly if you vomit at just the right time
-No, I'm still not sure why if all you drink is white milk how poop can be brown (past experience)
-Yes, life on the outside is so much better
-No, I do not want to stay a that I'm 1 I'm much too sophisticated
-Yes, my friends and family are just as cool as I thought they would be!

I would like to thank everyone who supported me in my first year of life. So, if you wiped my nose, wiped my bottom, gave me a hug, kiss, or support and encouragement during my physical, social, and emotional development, I appreciate it very much!

Tip #21: Gifts to your baby

Being the thoughtful parent you are, you will likely want to provide your child with gifts that trigger excitement and joy during special occasions, such as birthdays and the holidays. It is important not to take it personal if your child does not take a second look, or even first, at the nice gift you have bestowed on them. Odds are, they will be much more interested in the wrapping paper and box that held the gift, as well as any ribbon or bow. Take it in stride, and realize that you did not fail your parental least not on this occasion. There's plenty of time left for that down the road :)


Love Mom & Dad

Friday, December 4, 2009're next!

Sydney's newfound abilities never cease to amaze the masses...or at least her parents. She has a new interest in scaling stairs. While she only became curious a few weeks ago, she now scales them with great speed and precision. We can only believe that she may be ready for K2 or Mt. Everest in the near future...perhaps when she's five. Interestingly enough, she is just as proficient at coming back down. Fortunately, she is always supervised when performing her stunts, but even with nearby support she never falters or loses balance.
We will double-check to make sure she does not have an opposible thumb, as primates do, which often assist with climbing. We suspect that she does not have this trait, and we have every assumption that she will become a bipedal creature. If not, then we will embrace the close relationship we share with our primate relatives and try not be too judgemental. Actually, now that I think about it she 'does' like bananas quite a bit...hmmm :)

In other news, Sydney is gearing up for her first birthday. She will turn 1 year old on December 15th. She will be happy to reach that first whole number...the other day she told me she doesn't like having to tell people that she is currently .958 years old. Since we're close enough, we can probably eliminate the decimal point, round up to 1...and then call it good :)

Aside from her impending maturity that will undoubtedly come with her increased age, she has also been adding extra steps to her 'walking' endeavors lately. While we could count the number of her steps on one hand just a few weeks ago, she is happily moving along now. We look forward to giving you a progress report on this front next week.

Tip #20: Maintain Routines
Just because you’ve had a baby, it doesn’t mean that life is over, and it doesn’t mean you can’t do most of the activities you previously enjoyed. A great solution is to simply involve your child in them. Take them to the store, take them out to eat with you. Having said that…this does not give you permission to take them to any venue. If you were a frequent visitor to strip clubs, bars, or ultimate fighting matches, you should avoid them until your child reaches an appropriate age. And if you have a daughter, this likely means 90 years of age, if ever!!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

It's as easy as 1...2...3!!!

So, Sydney took a few unassisted steps on her own on November 22nd. She made forward moving progress after standing...this was different from those times I like to refer to it as falling gracefully. Some times it is a lunge, or a stumble, or something of that nature. But on this particular occasion she lifted up her tiny little legs and pushed one in front of the other. This exceeded the 'one step and drop' method that she had perfected, and on this day she actually strung together three steps. We hope the cats heed this development...and if not they like to experience even more clumps of hair ripped away from their tails and various body parts! We wish her continued growth in her walking endeavors!!!

As this week marked Sydney's first Thanksgiving, she found it her duty to share things that she has been grateful for in her first year of life. She decided to provide a top ten countdown of those things she is appreciative of. While friends and family are the obvious top items, she wanted to share her 'other' things.

#10 My orange ring times I could not live without it, just as you could not survive without your least I don't think that is a vital organ

#9 That I can get away with crying like a baby because...well, I'm a baby

#8 The great ladies at daycare that watch my back...much love to ya's

#7 I can be called a boy and not get to upset about it, especially when some can't obviously tell that pink and purple are girls' colors (this really says more about them than me...honestly people, get a clue)

#6 Let's face it...turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, and enough food to make the waist line stretch the limits of your diaper lining

#5 Pets. Life would by specifically 39.9% less interesting without cats to chase and birds to laugh at. While I know I may torment them from time to time, I only do it out of genuine love and affection

#4 My peeps (this is a shout to all of my baby friends....holla!)

#3 At this age I can pull of fat thighs and knees, and cankles (no visible sepration between the leg and foot) are the 'in' thing

#2 Being know that little thing that makes it possible to have the other 9 things on my list

#1 That I can poop in my pants and no one judges me!

Well, the end of Thanksgiving can only mean one thing...the start of the Christmas season!!! Sydney was excited to help decorate the tree. Yes, the decorations are out and we're in full holiday mode. (I'm pictured above with my Uncle Steve...who I recently called 'momma' at Thanksgiving!). Below, I'm pictured with my biological mom while critiquing her tree decorating.

Tip #19: Encourage Art
It is very important to support your child’s creativity, especially when they express it through art. Make sure to provide the tools they need to facilitate this growth…otherwise, you may find their canvas will be your wall, couch, or possibly even your pet.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sleepless in Bellingham???

Actually, Sydney has had a couple of really good nights of sleep. In fact, Tuesday night and Wednesday marked two full nights of sleep in a row. Not partial nights, but full nights that actually required her parents to wake her up the next morning! As great as it was to have a full night's sleep, it was also important to practice getting her up, as the coming years will be tested with "I don't want to go to school," and "just five more minutes"....all of the regular dialogue expressed by weary kids actually not wanting to get up :)

Aside from a couple of very restful nights (followed by one...let's just say not restful night), Sydney got to experience a new adventure this week. On Saturday, Sydney and her parents got to experiece the EMP...or for you folk not from around the Pacific Northwest, the Experience Music Project in Seattle. Sydney enjoyed the trip, and got to learn what real singing was about. She probably realizes now why she instinctively cringed when her parents would try to sing...and she was accurate to do so! There will be no members of the Fuller household trying out for American Idol...but that is ok, we can't be great at EVERYTHING!!!...haha!

November marked Sydney's 11 months of life outside the womb. This means one thing, that her big 1 year is fast approaching. In thinking of that, I thought it would be fun to do a 'then' and 'now' look at Sydney's life. In respect to that, I have shared a picture from her actual day of birth to a couple of pictures taken shortly after her 11 month birthday. To make this comparison as scientific and to scale as possible, we are providing pictures of Sydney wearing the same stocking hat that she wore on the day of her birth. I'm not sure that I see much of a difference, but I'll let you be the judge of that :)

Unfortunately, there is no tip
of the week this week. If you are a new parent and rely on the wisdom and guidance we provide, we apologize for any inconvenience. Actually, we are just making most of it up anyhow. We wish you the best of luck in parenting this week, and hope that the absence of our education (if you can call it that) does not lead you astray. Some random words of wisdom until next week (although not 'baby' related)...don't eat farmed fish, don't drink foldgers, and don't eat yellow snow. We hope this helps your earthly experience in some way until we resume our tips next week.

And just for the record...Have a great Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Friday, November 13, 2009 it just a number?

It's amazing to think that Sydney is getting older and older. As Sydney ages it can only mean one thing even more monumental....that her Mom is getting older! That's right, Karen will be celebrating a birthday on the 13th. For the sake of confidentiality, but really just for my own safety, I will not reveal her age...or even hint at her age. I wouldn't dare to dream of honing in on the decade she currently calls home (more than two but less than four), or identifying the year she was born (rhymes with seventy-seven...ok, I guess it's not great rhyming when it's identical, but hey, maybe I'm just terrible at rhyming...LOL!). So there, at least I gave no hints and have ensured my safety!

But with this advancing in age, it can only mean one thing...that Sydney has benefited from the increased wisdom that her mother has achieved over the years. It's is apparent that Karen's years have led her to develop a personality that exemplifies the essence of caring, nurturing, and most certainly maturity (as demonstrated in next picture).

Sydney asked me to include the following message to her momma on her birthday. "Momma...I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope you have fun, and I'm glad I can celebrate your birthday this year on the outside world. I'll try to give you a nice big kiss later, even if it come with a quart of drool. And thank you for all of the hugs, kisses, and diaper changes this year. I hope you enjoy my nice kind words for your birthday...especially when you remember my birthday next month!!!

Sydney is also gearing up for the holidays. She's been hearing rumors about a big guy in a red suit that brings a load of booty to each home. As she's been somewhat skeptical about the situation, she's googled this individual to detemine more vital information. She is still perplexed by the unique lifestyle and career choice of Chris. In preparation for Christmas Eve, she antcipates setting snares and other booby traps to try and temporarily detain the subject and extract some answers. We wish Sydney the best in this particular endeavor :)

(We wanted to share a couple more pictures that were taken by Rebecca Brethauer...the last two :)

Tip #18: Affection
Be sure to show physical affection to your child. Hugs and kisses are important to supporting a child’s healthy development. As he or she gets older, realize that your child may want to replace this physical affection with (if you are lucky) text, emails, and tweets. If this happens and your child becomes distant, it is even more important to maintain physical affection for your children…especially when their friends may be present and it forces them to be disgusted. I would offer other advice if it were an option, but that becomes an expected role of parents.

Happy Birthday Karen!!!
Squirt and I love you!!!

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Picture is Worth...

...if taken right, can definitey be worth a thousand words. In this particular case, it may be closer to a million. We recently got our pictures back from Rebecca. So, as amazingly entertaining and funny as these posts typically are (modesty once again present), I wanted to make sure this post highlighted a few of the recent pictures, which are pretty incredible, at least in our humble opinion. Our session with Rebecca was taken out at our friend Colleen and adopted Mom Judy's property, and it was the perfect setting for taking Sydney's 10 month pictures.

While we want to share some of these amazing pictures, it is important to wet the appetite. We will be showing more in the coming posts.

While Rebecca's pictures are something that we will treasure forever, I thought it was important to also share our pictures from Halloween Day...documentation of Sydney's first ever trick or treating experience. We experienced this endeavor with David, Lili, and Maggie (Sydney's BFF). While the babies were absorbed with task of looking adorable, the dads were tasked with peddling the kids for as many sugary treats as could be solicited. The pictures below show the shameless process that occurred.

In other news, Sydney got her first dose of the swine flu vaccination. She took it like a champ, and after it was all completed started screaming "is that all you got!" She's so brave :)

Tip #17: Sleep Deprivation
Prior to the birth of your child, set up a training regiment that steadily reduces the amount of sleep you attain each night. Over a 2 month period, you will likely adjust to operating on little or no sleep, and will know what to expect in the coming months and years.

Friday, October 30, 2009

The Halloween Season Continues...

Sydney loved her mini monster mash last weekend. It really helped her to get in the spirit, and get prepared for her very first big trick or treat experience tomorrow (it is like stretching before the big race). And tomorrow she will take on the real Halloween.

This Halloween she will battle ghosts, ghouls, zombies, and a host of other characters for the desired booty of the day…candy. And that means a variety of tasty treats…not to be confused with that small random percentage of the population that gives out raisins for their treats…I’m mean seriously…who does that? I’m not judgmental, but if your plans are to hand out raisins this year, don’t. Turn off your light and let trick or treaters move to the next house so they can get the candy they desire. That is why they worked so hard on their costumes. Sorry, got a little off track and began to project from my own past. Anyway, Sydney believes (as an officially adorable Tinkerbell) she can compete with the masses and hold her own in this competitive environment. She also gains support from her BFF Maggie, who in cooperation hope to raise the cuteness factor so that others are left to sulk in their wake…whaaahaaahaa!!!

I tried to think of some scary topics to include in this Halloween edition of Sydney’s blog. While I was very tempted to use some very graphic pictures of a few terrifying diaper incidents through Sydney’s first 10.5 months….I thought it may be unsuitable for the viewing of younger people. Plus, I have to keep these hidden away until Sydney decides she needs to date…then Hello Facebook, Myspace, and all other forms of electronic media!!!

In other news, we have scheduled Sydney’s H1N1 vaccination appointment. Although we haven’t seen her consorting with pigs, packages of bacon, or full or half racks of ribs, we wanted to take precautionary steps and keep her healthy this Fall and Winter. Although, knowing that we have three parrots at home, I wonder if we should also try to protect her from avian flu as well???

Sydney has continued to work very hard on her clapping. She can do it with ease now, and as a result has moved on to more challenging endeavors, like the high five. She actually caught onto this with little trouble, and at times gets so excited she uses both hands. Her parents are proud that she excelled in this area, and naturally gives ‘ten’ when it has not been taught yet.

As the sadness of the first Halloween passing will surface, there can be no time for sadness, longing, and wallowing…as it can only means one thing…the coming of the Holiday season!!! Although, we do hope to have a few additional Halloween pictures added to this blog next week....if you dare to return!

Tip #16: Tantrums
When your child screams bloody murder in a crowded place and all glances turn your way, play it cool and ask nearby bystanders if they know who the parent of the lost child is.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

In the Dead of Night...

Without mistake, it was a very dark and eerie that forced the hair on the back of your neck to stand on end...accompanied by an icy chill that runs then length of your spine. This combination of things could mean only one thing....HALLOWEEN!!! Ok, really it was in the middle of the day…and it wasn't very scary, unless being around a bunch of infants in cute costumes scare you (in fact, the costumes don't take on a scary form until they are teenagers...the age when they try hard to get a reaction by adding plenty of blood and mangled parts to their outfit).

The babies' Mini Monster Mash was great fun! Nine babies and sixteen adults gathered for this festive event. There was a lot of crawling, picture taking, food, and good conversation…the perfect definition of chaos, but also the perfect recipe for a great time! All in all, we had the company of a love bug, lady bug, two bumble bees, a lion, two flowers (flora unknown), a skunk, and a pixie.

Unlike the first two gatherings where we were able to line up the babies and take a few quick pictures…with their new found mobility and independence, it was a task that would not be accomplished at this event. To adjust to this new challenge, we were able to get each of the mothers to wrangle their kids and produce a new and fun group picture. Each of the babies were also proud and happy to demonstrate new unique skills and growth…from talking to walking, to showing off new pearly white teeth. Each was a fun little bundle of energy, talking, playing, and sharing toys. We had a great time and hope everyone else did, too :)

For Sydney's part, she got to be Tinker Bell. Her dad was able to acquire her costume in California when attending a work conference. Fortunately, TSA security did not ask him to remove the little pixie outfit and try it on for the return flight. She looks forward to reprising her role this coming Saturday on Halloween!

Tip #15: Halloween

For parents that have children 6 months to a year old, Halloween is a unique period. Many parents at this point are not giving their child any sugar, or only a very limited amount. The realistic outcome is that new parents will end up with all of the tasty treats acquired this year. So…if you are a fan of chocolate and candy, by all means use the cuteness of your child to solicit and secure as much loot (candy) as possible. Remember, this will likely be the only year that you will benefit from a healthy collection of treats, as next year they’ll be more than happy to keep it all for themselves.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Home Front...All Sectors Secure!

The upstairs gate and the downstairs gates are finally in, and secure! They have passed the 'Sydney' she rattled them with all of the force her strong little arms could muster. And she has duly annointed them...of course by licking each individual bar. My thought was that if she couldn't get through the gate with her brute force, that perhaps she believes she can lick her way through the bars. Let's hope they serve their intended function.

Sydney has continued to practice her standing, and her walking. With the assistance of her borrowed radio flyer push wagon, she is becoming faster and faster. She can also stand for 10-20 second on her own; I'm sure will be walking, running, and skipping in no time.
Sydney had a busy social week. Friday night Sydney got to spend some quality time with her friend Maggie. She had some great convos and shared some fun playtime. Later, Sydney was even fortunate enough to take Maggie's ride (walker) for a spin. She thought that was a great time. Saturday night Grandma Gloria and Cousin Thomas watched her for a few hours, so they got to talk about upcoming events, like Thanksgiving and Christmas plans. And on Sunday, Sydney got to spend time with YaYa Sherri and Uncle Alex. Sydney even got to talk to Nana Donna over the telephone...what great times. What more could a ten month old fit into the weekend?!

Sydney looks forward to carving pumpkins this week with her parents. It's an experience she's never had, and she's excited that the upcoming event features so much of her favorite color!...and that's orange, of course!!!

In other random infant news, Sydney has become very proficient at clapping, and pulls out her new ability when she is very excited. She has also begun to eat pretty much whatever lies on her parents plates, in addition to her continued bottles. So, tonight, she gladly consumed some teriyaki chicken!

Tip #14: New Financial Investments
Having a child can be an expensive endeavor. But, if you play your cards right you can actually make some small financial gains. Having a child opens up your mind to a world of products that may have been previously hidden. You may come to realize that investing in some of these baby products, like Neosporin (what mom doesn’t carry this product with her???), may pay nice dividends in the long run. You might as well see a small return on your investment.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

First Step??? Not Quite Yet...But So Close!!!

It seems almost overnight Sydney has made leaps and bounds in her path toward walking. She has spent the past week pulling herself up on items and giving her balance some extensive practice. She is on to this next skill set, as her crawling has reached it's full velocity (do they make baby speed bumps for the home?).

To aid in the next step, which ironically is in Sydney taking her first step, friends Bryan and Luci were nice enough to lend Sydney a little Radio Flyer wagon that she can push and practice her walking. Really it acts like a baby walker. At first Sydney was skeptical of the contraption and approached with many reservations. Well, that inital trepidation is gone. She now stands up, grabs the handelbar, and is off like a bolt of lighting. I'm sure there will be some signifcant wear in the carpet prior to her first unassisted step. We can only hope the sparks generated from the speed of her accelerations do not cause the carpet to catch on fire.

This new form of mobility has ensured we continue fortifying our defenses in off-limits areas. I am looking into GPS tracking devices that can be placed on the baby, and will let the child know (through electronic digital voice), that she has entered an unauthorized area, and that her compliance with immediate withdrawl is necessary. So far I haven't found anything, but I'll keep looking.

On the food front, Sydney has expanded her menu greatly, and now enjoys many of different offerings when out to dinner with mom and dad. Although she hasn't tackled her first 20 oz. steak yet, she generally tends to get little morsels from both her parents plates.
On the social front, Sydney got to spend some time with Kate and Lily on Friday, both fellow birthing-class classmates. She looks forward to having them over in a few weeks with the rest of the motley crew for a 'Mini Monster Mash' halloween party. Those parties can go late at night and get a little out of hand, but hopefully the Five-O won't be called this time. Last time none of them could comply with the officers request to 'walk in a straight line.' The officer didn't seem to accept the fact they couldn't walk yet as a very good excuse. Perhaps this time, with the aid of the Radio Flyer, she'll stay on the right side of the law!...haha!

As far as other social events, on Sunday Sydney also got to visit with Grandma Gloria, as well as Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Pagels. She got to show off her new talents! Sydney also got her 10 month pictures with Rebecca this weekend. We can't wait to see the pictures...Rebecca does such a great job capturing amazing images. We thought It would be fun, now that Sydney is almost an old 10 months old, to show a picture from when she was in the hospital. She's come a long way!!!

Tip #13: Teething
If your child has begun to sprout teeth, he or she may have a painful and difficult time. To help with the process, there are a number of products available on the market. In fact, if you visit the pet aisle of your local supermarket you can find a variety of rawhide bones and other chew toys that are perfect for such an event. You will also find these aids are available at a much more affordable price.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Prevention Continues

It really seems that Sydney has reached the stage where our focus is squarely on prevention. Now that she is mobile, we have to prevent her from falling down the stairs, climbing up the stairs, opening the fridge, pulling out drawers, staying out of the cupboards, staying out of the animal’s food and water dish, not touching cleaners and chemicals….ahhh, so much proofing to do. Might be easier to raise her in an empty storage unit until she turns six, or simply bubble wrap her until then. But, as she gets older she’ll learn what is safe and what is not…or more than likely she will also learn what to touch when she is in a bad mood and wants to get a reaction.

Past generations have really relied on experiential learning. If you pick up a fork or knife, stick it in an electric socket, and get a good zap...well, that'll teach ya!!! I'm not saying some of that old school parenting didn't fact if the electric dishcharge from the outlet didn't kill you, it was very likely you wouldn't have attempted it again. Today, it's a different story. We try to be more proactive and preventitive. I'm sure 'nurturing' and 'tough love' both have good qualities.

In Sydney news, she continues to get new teeth in, both on her upper and lower levels. It's amazing how quickly they start to trickle in. Behaviorally, Sydney has also begun to realize that she gets a more favorable reaction from the cats if she slowly tries to pet them, instead of yanking out clumps of hair (I know...picky cats!). Although, typically when she gets within a foot of them she usually screams from the excitement. This is not really a stealth approach, and usually causes them to leave the scene.

Tip #12: Baby Schedule Training
During pregnancy, ask your wife to randomly set the alarm each night. At first you will likely sit up straight in bed each night and wonder what is interrupting your beauty sleep. But with repetition, soon your body will become conditioned and will even begin to react on its own accord. After birth, screams and cries will trigger your body into action. The clear benefit here is that this conditioning will enable you to check on the needs of your child without having to reach a full waking and conscious state.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Sleep Deprivation

When I go back and look through old photos, I realize how sprite and alive Sydney’s parents look. A hot, young, attractive couple full of zest (ok, I indulged in the adjectives there…my modesty once again…haha!). But now, red eyes, shadowed eye-lids, and at times a general dazed and confused look seem to be recurring, perhaps necessary markers of parenthood. Sometimes speaking can even come out in a jumbled mess, as if we are also learning to speak for the first time, too. We may also do random strange things, like try to turn on the TV with the phone, and answer the phone with a TV remote (both of which do not accomplish the intended task).

Perhaps this period of parenting is intentional, to help us understand and empathize with what our children go through. So, if you find me off in a corner with a vacant expression and a trail of drool pooling on my shirt, just realize that it is part of my diligence of wanting to be an active and understanding parent. But, if you smell something not so attractive, please let me know that my parenting has gone beyond the intended limits.

Even with a general lack of sleep, parenting has great rewards. When you think you have no energy and can accomplish no task, Sydney will look at you, crack the biggest smile you have ever seen, and show off her (now many) pearly whites. What could be more perfect than that? It makes any of the sleeplessness and long nights fade away (at least until the next night).

As for Sydney, she has continued to practice her crawling, standing, speaking, and her new found love...reading. Ok, actually mostly she is fascinated with books. This includes opening and turning pages, looking at the pictures, and of course chewing on the pages. As for her crawling, she has certainly succeeding in becoming part of the mobile infantry...get it, mobile 'infant'ry. To all of those booing, just remember I am entitled a few bad puns a year.

Tip #11: Solid Foods
Make sure to use recommended baby foods. Even if you are tempted, please do not blend up a double-cheeseburger and fries for the baby. Just because we like it, doesn’t mean the baby will…or even that he/she will be able to digest it easily. You may pay for it later if you are changing the diaper.

Sunday, September 20, 2009


There are plenty of dangerous animals on the planet. Of all the animals, there aren’t many feared above the piranha, a species that can devour its prey within minutes. I’m not sure if we’ve had Animal Planet on at home, but Sydney has felt inclined to test out her new found choppers. Ok, she’s not going to devour much at this point, but she does surprise you quite a bit when you are not expecting it and she chomps down. And Sydney is gaining one new weapon in her arsenal…as her top two teeth have just broken through. All objects…wooden, plastic, metal, or other, must be on the lookout for this prowling and curious set of teeth, who constantly search out its next victim.

On the less dramatic side of things, Sydney’s actually put her new equipment to use to tackle some new solid foods, including baby Gogurts (a dried form of yogurt), baby-crackers, cheese, and also Cheerios. And let’s face it, they’re unsinkable!...if that’s how that commercial goes. This has actually been a fun phase to begin. Not only is the idea of eating solids a sign of her growth, but it’s also fun to watch her eat finger foods. This, in addition to the nourishment she receives, actually helps her with coordination and finger dexterity…so she is really developing new skills while she is meeting her dietary needs.

Although they say you might not know it for a few years, I believe I have seen some early signs that she may be right-handed…at least from watching her with her toys and finger foods. Maybe it’s too premature to know, or I’m just projecting…but that’s ok…I have a 50-50 chance of being right, and those are good odds any day!

Other quick news...Sydney has made progress in her standing. She's made it as long as 10 seconds on her own. She is also crawling with lighting speed on all fours. Good job baby Sydney!!! We also thought it would be fun to share a picture of when Sydney was little, and very young (since obviously she is sooo old now!). The picture of her crying just seemed entertaining to me, so I thought I'd share.

Tip #10: Friendships

Try to become friends with other couples that have colicky children. Out in public, by comparison, this will make you look less tired, more considerate, and give others the general perception that you are a high-functioning parent…and able to control your child. In private, you may not wish to associate with them, as their child will likely irritate you.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

On Your Marks...Get Set....

GOOOOOO! Sydney competed in her first official race. It was the Fairhaven 15K. True, she did the race last year (in utero), but this time she experienced it in the larger world.

Sydney had great support from her dad, who was behind her every step of the way. And I mean that quite literally! But, without breaking a sweat, she strolled across the finish line in style, ready for the after-race festivities. And Sydney's last impressive dash at the end allow her to edge out her dad at the finish a buggy wheel! Dad was very proud of her :)

Fortunately, or unfortunately (depending on how you look at it), the course for the race went through Boulevard Park. This might not mean much to most people...a nice view at best. But, to Sydney's dad, this meant a direct path to Woods Coffee. Being highly tempted, he asked her if it was ok to make a stop...(not even go inside, just a minute at the outside pickup window). To him, this seemed to be a wasted opportunity, especially since the running stroller had not just one, but two, cupholders. To her credit, Sydney had the discipline to maintain her pace and ambition to finish the race and convinced her dad to keep going. What a trooper!!!

Although I haven't seen the official results yet, I have concluded that Sydney may have taken first in two categories...the Under 9 Month category, and the Mobile Baby Unit category. My assumption of her ranking is due to the fact that neither Karen nor I saw any other babies or strollers, whatsoever. I guess Sydney was the lone representative of youthful vigor and determination.

After the race, and a brief interaction with her toys, she finally passed out from exhaustion. She later rehydrated to make sure her muscles were not stiff the next day.

Besides the race, Sydney got to visit with her friends Maggie, David, and Lili Friday night. She had a great time, and looks forward to the next time she can chew on their furniture and play Mario Kart.

Tip #9: Eating Out
When eating out, be sure to sit next to other people that have a baby. When your baby makes a loud annoying noise, you can look at the other table and act appalled. Be convincing and play it off as if ‘there kid’ is the source of the disruption. This will draw attention away from you and make for a more pleasurable dining experience for you and your family.

Have a nice week everyone!!!