Sunday, February 26, 2012

Open Wide!

February 2012 marked a new first for Sydney...a visit to the dentist.  She only screamed five time, and only had to be restrained twice.  Ha ha, I'm only kidding.  They recommend getting her used to the dentist office at an early age, so her first visit was really about just seeing the office, becoming familiar with the chair and the tools of the trade, and basically expelling any bad mojo.  Ironically, when we opened the door to go inside, she said, "we can't go in there, there's monsters in there."  So, I'm not sure what the rumor mill is cook'n up at the old daycare, but all I know is she survived her first encounter with this type of doctor.

She got to ride up and down in the chair a few times, wear some cool sunglasses, and play with a bunch of toys.  At the conclusion of her tour and overall experience, she even got to go get a prize out of the machine.  How cool is that?  And amazingly, while we were there they decided to take some x-rays to make sure everything was good.  She took it like a champ.  Fortunately she did not experience the shot, the drill, and witnessing smoke pouring from her mouth.  She regularly brushes and takes her fluoride, so we expected she'd have a good check up. 

In other news, Sydney has found a new movie to burn a hole through...Lady and the Tramp.  She just loves the classics, and she often wants to see the 'puppy movie.'  It's good for us, as being able to recite her previous obsession gets a bit old.  I'm sure we'll know this one by heart before moving on to the next best thing.

Well, that's it for now.  Hope you are all doing well.  Until next post...
Have a great weekend!!!   

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Snow, Flowers, and More...

The beginning of February has been just as busy as the end of January.  This is my, hopefully justified, excuse for not having an entry in the past couple of weeks.  But since our last post, we experienced a nice snow storm.  This amounted to about 2 feet at our house.  It was great fun to watch it come down, but less fun driving into town in it.  Sydney was able to use this new landscape at school to build snowman during outside play time.  And since Daddy always sees the importance of teaching valuable life-lessons, he was able to drive home one important rule this winter...."don't eat the yellow snow."  It is likely something that will stick with her over the years. 

Sydney continued her ballet.  Actually, she finished her last class today.  While she was the epitome of grace and elegance, she is ready to transition back to swim class next session. perhaps grace and elegance is a stretch, and more likely attention-deficit and random off-rhythm movements were more accurate...but she still has a great time nonetheless, and it was fun to watch her.  

Sydney also got her chance to practice very important ‘flower girl’ skills this past weekend when her Grandpa Don got married to Linda.  Sydney took to the task very seriously, and when the request was made for her to create petals on the ground she violently shook the poor flowers until only the stems remained.  I'm sure she'll have time to refine her approach, but she made her debut role a sincere effort.  In June, she can tackle the role with the approach of a veteran. 
Over the next couple of weeks, Sydney will be going to different birthdays to help celebrate the passing of years among her young friends.  We'll certainly have more to share on that front, as well as other fun happenings. 
Until then, have a great weekend!!!