Friday, January 28, 2011


Aside from watching the Tinkerbell movie, Sydney has recently spent some time in her own bright green and gold-sparkled Tinkerbell costume.  She keeps Mickey and Pluto in her bed at night now.  She is also getting good at identifying and saying many of the Disney characters' names.  I like to think of these activities like stretching so you don't pull a muscle.  She's preparing and working hard to make sure she doesn't drop the ball in the big game.  In February, Sydney will make her first trip to the promised land.  I know what you're lucky can she be to go to the Starbucks Coffee Roasting plant...ha ha!  OK...the other promised land.  She'll make her first journey to Disneyland in California, the "other happiest place on earth!"

The trip to California will offer Sydney a variety of things.  Vitamin D and warm weather are the first thoughts that come to mind, but more importantly, she'll have a great opportunity to spend time with her Grandma as well as her Nana from Montana, in addition to her old Ma and Pa.  I'm sure she'll also get to experience some fascinating rides and attractions.  She's already a world traveler, so a quick little jaunt down to California should not be much of a problem for her.  She hasn't been to the sunshine state before, so she is eager to add that to her resume.

In other news, Sydney has helped to celebrate another 2nd birthday.  This time she helped Xander bring in his big two with lots of other friends.  And since they did it at the Children's Museum, she got to have a great time and participate in a lot of different activities.  Grandma was even her escort and able to get a couple of great pictures.

Sydney has also become a sponge for so much.  It's hard to say anything or do anything without her trying to replicate it, and usually with great accuracy.  This has entertained us much of the time, and completely astonished us at other times.  And one thing is for certain...she is certainly willing to share her opinion and also tell you what she likes.  Although we don't let her watch much (if any) TV, she has recently found a show with a pig called Olivia.  She adores the show, and she learned very quickly what "after dinner, Sydney" meant.  Before we even eat, she is reminding us "Livia pig...after dinner."

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Off to a busy start...

2011 has already been a busy year.  Sydney has helped to celebrate a number of birthdays, and this weekend she got to help celebrate Ya-Ya's birthday, as well as Grandpa Tom's birthday.  Aside from those celebrations, she is also back to her swimming class routine, which gives her ample chance to use her fully-functional gills.

In other areas, Sydney has been speaking more than ever, and has become much better at putting sentences together.  While her comprehension is certainly growing daily, she also does a lot of mimicking.  Whenever something is said, she'll parrot it right back...whether she knows what she's saying or not.  Amazingly, she enunciates with great accuracy.  But since she does understand most of what is usually said, we've had to rely on using the old 'parent code talk' (the act of spelling things out in front of her) when we don't want her to know what we are discussing.  I'm sure we'll only benefit from that for a short period of time. 

In a similar area, she has really enjoyed her new singing activities.  Notice I said activities and not abilities or talent...she gets that from her mama!  But she likes it, and one of the benefits of being two is that you can be completely off key and it's still adorable.  Once you get older it just annoys other people :)  But, she has got some of those old favorites down, like Twinkle Twinkle...Jingle Bells...and 'N Da Club' by Fifty-Cent.

Updated Specs:  Sydney recently went into the doctors for her two year appointment.  Her height and weight measurements are right around the 50th percentile for both...which is just another way of saying she right on average for height and weight.  Not to say the child can't eat like a fact she does and we are often wondering which leg is hollow...but she is also very active, so she quickly burns off whatever she consumes.  Ah, to be young and have a great metabolism!

Tip: Dealing with Tantrums

A favorite old picture...I just had to share!

In the event your child throws a tantrum while in the grocery store, don't dismay.  Initially, it will likely frustrate you, draw a lot of attention, and possibly hurt your hearing.  But, a simple solution is to take your screaming child to the customer services desk and instruct them that you found a child separated from her parents.  Then, continue shopping at your leisure, check out, and then take your groceries to your car.  While at your car, change your outfit so that you look different than the person who turned in the child.  By this time, your child's tantrum will have likely subsided and your stress level will have returned to normal.  You can then go to customer service and claim your 'much-more composed' two-year old...truly a win win scenario!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Season of Two

Sydney had her birthday on December 15th.  Shortly after, we helped to celebrate her friend Kate's birthday.  Then, her friend Reina (who currently lives in Okinawa) celebrated her second birthday.  This weekend, we got to help bring in the BIG 2 for one of Sydney's BFF's...Maggie :)

Sydney was excited to help Maggie put her 1 year old status to bed and double her age.  They are growing so quick, they are speaking so much, and they are truly becoming sophisticated young ladies.  Sydney, like Maggie, is becoming a mature little toddler with a bunch of ambitions for the future.  But for now, a great party with good company is what the doctor ordered.   

Maggie and Sydney enjoy
coloring together.

The party itself was great.  Maggie was surrounded by friends, family, and enough frosting to put a horse in a coma...or at least a few pygmy goats.  Of course, the cupcakes were well worth the sugar rush and crash.

Maggie's first birthday!
In thinking of these young women of two, it amazes me the realities in which friendships currently exist...which are completely foreign to the years when I was young.  That's right, I hate to admit it, but I'm from the era of record players, eight track, pong, and the rotary telephone.  But, our new little two year olds will never know limits when communicating with friends.  Sydney already picks up a toy phone and starts ask Maggie how her day was.  Unfortunately, this likely means that in just  a couple of short years these little ones will likely find themselves actually emailing, facebook'ing, texting, and tweeting back and forth to each other.  I'm sure these little ladies will want their own web pages, or blogs.  Of course, I remember when the Internet didn't even exist when I was in high least not until my sophomore year!  The first phone was huge, and now everything is smaller and faster (except in Sudden Valley, where we can only get a signal wearing tin foil on our heads and standing on our left leg sporting a spoon in our mouth).  But, whatever the technological medium should be, it should be supported by the parents.  Good friendship is a precious thing, and it should be supported, valued, and embraced as much as possible. 
Maggie unwraps presents at her 1st...
as Sydney offers a helping hand.

Sydney and Maggie...the old days!!!

Happy Birthday Maggie!!!
...and to all others turning two!