Sydney loves pasta...but really what kid doesn't? I thought I'd share this picture that was taken on Father's Day. She loved that there were longgg noodles. This gave her plenty to do and kept her busy trying to slurp them up. And she figured...why bother with hands??? Might as well cut the middle man out and get the food straight to it's destination in as streamlined a manner as possible. There is some wisdom in this...and she learned this new eating etiquette while on our latest travels. While in Australia, we ate at a place called YumCha...in China Town in Sydney. At one point, she decided she would eat directly from the plate. Although we couldn't capture a picture of that, we thought we'd share a couple of other that we took during that lunch.
In other news, Sydne loved spending time with Grandma Gloria this past Sunday. It gave Sydney's mom and dad a chance to escape for a little bit, but also gave Sydney a great opportunity to show Grandma just how funny and crazy she can be!
In upcoming news, Sydney will get a visit from her buddy Reina this weekend. Of course, her parents Chris and Jillian will be with her. Reina is just two weeks younger than Sydney, and she looks forward to playing and sharing her toys, especially since she only gets to see her once a year!
Once again, we also wanted to share a few other pictures that were taken in Australia.
Have a safe and great 4th of July weekend everyone!!!
Awwww. We made the blog! See you soon.