But as she becomes more proficient at speaking, it is certainly interesting to see her learning process unfold, and the resulting audio outcome. Some words come out crystal clear. Sydney very clearly said 'bubble' one day while in the bath. Some words she uses only in a high pitch...as she commonly does when she says 'thank you.' Other words, or perhaps more directly cetain letter combinations, may pose a challenge to her. When she says 'chai'...yes, as in chai tea, she sounds eerily like Daffy Duck. It could be the 'ch' combination, because she often has that Daffy sound when she says 'cheese' for the camera, too. It's certainly interesting to see the words she excells at, and others that are "under construction"....truly works in progress. All in all, I would say her vocabulary has at least doubled in the past month. I guess this might be a good time to pull out the 'swear jar' just to be safe!....haha!
Just a quick FYI...next weekend will be a blog-free weekend, as we will be preoccupied with soccer tournaments and other life activities. I know you will miss the genius writing, the sure poetry in motion of this blog, the suspense and wit and humour that also comes with it (and again the modesty)...but I hope you can wait until the following week. And if you only check out this blog for the pictures (more likely), then I hope you can wait, too...haha!
The second and third pictures were from when Reina was in Bellingham. Just too many fun pictures to share!!!
Have a great week everyone!!!
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