Sydney has never been a picky eater, and she will typically eat just about anything. Sometimes when she is consuming a new food, it does require shoving it in her mouth, taking a few chews (maybe to test the's unknown to scientists at this point), and then pulling it back out to inspect it again. If all is fine at this point and passed the additional visual inspection, it goes back in and down the hatch.

So, it's no huge surprise that Sydney ended up liking corn. She's certainly had it before (and let me tell you little people digest corn about as well as adults do), but she had commonly had it either in a prepared meal or cut from a cob. Well, we recently learned that she loves to eat it straight from the cob. And, of course, there is no place for manners when eating corn. Sometimes you just have to throw etiquette out of the window and just go right in for it. It likely means butter squirting places, and colonels bursting...creating a short perimeter that is clearly the danger zone, but that is what it takes. Sydney demonstrates no fear in putting her determination of corn consumption to the test. We just can't wait for her to tackle some BBQ ribs with the same vigor!

Like other kids, Sydney has learned how much she loves to color (technically, she has only tried to eat crayons twice that I know of, and that was months ago). So really her pleasure is in the act of coloring and being creative. Sometimes she colors in the mornings at school, and she does it at home when her parents aren't worried about the walls or other objects being colored on.
Sydney's words explosion still seems to reveal new words on a daily basis. While she has mastered saying "Starbucks," she is even starting to master phrases, such as 'I love you' and 'you're right dad.' It's pretty fun to see her try out new words she hasn't said before, too. Some come out sounding Dutch, while others are completely spot on. For better or worse...I guess you just never really know what's going to come out of her mouth :)
In addition to Syd's recent corn adventures, I thought it would be fun to share some older pictures, too. The picture of her flipping through the channels still makes me laugh, and the last picture I came across and was just amazed to see how much shes grown since I had to include it. She was such a cute baby...and now she's a cute toddler (I'm ok if there seems to be a little daddy-bias there :)

This coming weekend Sydney will get to see her BFF Maggie, and will also get finish her swimming class and start her tumbling class. This will be a great new experience for her. Sydney also wanted to wish Happy Birthday to her Grandpa Don, who adds another year of wisdom to his resume! Really he is just a young pup in the scheme of things.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
It was super fun getting together!! Maggie loves her BFF Sydney, she is all she talks about!!