Beyond the residual physical affects from the trip, there are still some residual social affects as well. I didn’t realize it at the time, but Sydney has become a real big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean. The particular ride I was nervous to take her on has become one of her favorites. So, every morning has the sounds of “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me.” She loves the song, and sings it regularly. I wouldn't say it borders on, actually, I will say it borders on obsessive, ha ha! Actually, it's not too bad, especially coming from a two-year old.
We did have sad news in February. Sydney’s Ya Ya passed away. We attended her celebration of life last Sunday. Sydney loved her Ya Ya, and she was a large part of so many people's lives. She will always be remembered and loved. There is so much that could be said, but words likely would not do it justice. I have included a few pictures.
On the celebration front, Sydney's Nana from Montana celebrates her birthday this weekend. She turns a young 42!!! :) Happy Birthday Mom!
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