It's been a few weeks since our last post. Apparently, life has found a way of happening even without blog entries...who would have figured :)

But, in a recent development, Sydney has taken to is 'nightwalking.' It's not sleepwalking, because she is certainly awake for it. In fact, sometimes it is very strategic in nature...her sneak attack is very stealth. We can be downstairs watching TV, and without any hint or knowledge, we feel an urge to look up...and sure enough, a little girl with bright blond her is crouched down, watching us, all while knowing she should be in bed. In fact, even now as I type, I hear the twisting of the doorknob from her bedroom door...actually, very literally. Last night, as I peered up the stairs into the darkened hallway from down below, and I could see a very faint object. I assumed it was a little two year old girl, but my aging eyes weren't sure what the outline was. Sure enough, Sydney was up in the darkness peering back at me wondering what magical things might be happening downstairs at night. Of course, the easy answer is 'not much', but her curiosity is too strong. Funny thing is, as I approach the stairs she runs into her room and dives back into bed. I'm sure it's part game, part curiosity, and part natural predatory instinct to stalk prey...ha ha! But, we're hoping she grows out of this and just sleeps once we put her to bed!

In other news, Sydney is very clear about what she likes. Right now, Tinkerbell seems to top that list at the moment. When I pick her up from daycare, I put her in her car seat, we leave the parking lot, and then I hear, "Tinkerbell Dada." And if I say 'maybe,' she asks at least a few more times. If I don't provide the response that she likes, she asks in an exponentially adorable way that eventually makes me cave in. Funny thing is, when we're on our way home I also hear, "check the mail, Dada." She actually reminds me to check the mail, which I find pretty entertaining.

Sydney also continues to amaze us with her new found knowledge of...well, everything. Her awareness, her communication, her humor, and all of her expressions just grow at such a rapid rate. While we enjoy seeing her grow and learn, it's always tough see how fast it is happening. But, I guess you have to try to enjoy the process while it unfolds.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
How funny! I love that she reminds you to get the mail.... Maggie reminds me every morning "take vitamin mommy!". What smart and funny girls!