It’s been a few weeks since our trip to California. While we were there basking in mid-eighties heat, we thought that glow would last us until summer. After all, the snow would be done for the year at home…right? Well, unfortunately that was not the case. And while the nice weather was thoroughly enjoyed while in it, the realities of snow and colder weather upon arriving home worked hard to dash the remaining embers of sunnier times. Although the recent snow has taken it's toll, we cling to those last little fragments of vitamin D we absorbed while there.

Beyond the residual physical affects from the trip, there are still some residual social affects as well. I didn’t realize it at the time, but Sydney has become a real big fan of Pirates of the Caribbean. The particular ride I was nervous to take her on has become one of her favorites. So, every morning has the sounds of “Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me.” She loves the song, and sings it regularly. I wouldn't say it borders on obsessive...no, actually, I will say it borders on obsessive, ha ha! Actually, it's not too bad, especially coming from a two-year old.

In other news, Sydney continues to surprise us with her mental developments. While sitting at a stoplight the other day, Sydney said "we go that way" as she pointed in the correct direction we were going to head. The next day, at a different stoplight, she replied "we go left." Sure enough, she was right...or 'correct,' I should say. She has an amazing sense of direction.
We did have sad news in February. Sydney’s Ya Ya passed away. We attended her celebration of life last Sunday. Sydney loved her Ya Ya, and she was a large part of so many people's lives. She will always be remembered and loved. There is so much that could be said, but words likely would not do it justice. I have included a few pictures.
On the celebration front, Sydney's Nana from Montana celebrates her birthday this weekend. She turns a young 42!!! :) Happy Birthday Mom!