The big news for the week is that Sydney has recently had two teeth poke through. I guess the signs of a discontented baby and drooling like a Saint Bernard should hav
e been hints. But now she has two bottom teeth sticking through. Hopefully this round of teething is the worst of what we can expect....but ya never know. Actually, Sydney's grandma (Nana Donna), probably got the worst of it when she watched Sydney all day last Monday. Sydney tried to make it up to her Nana by having a pleasant day at the zoo on Friday :)
Sydney has also been standing, with assistance from the couch, coffee table, or nearby furniture, for a lot longer periods without demonstrating quite the same level of 'noodle legs.'
Other newsworthy things...Sydeny's cousin Reina visited from
Okinawa last week. Reina is just three weeks younger, but they have some features that make them look fact her momma couldn't tell them apart one time, and her Dad constantly reminds her of that. Sydney hopes that Reina, who was nice enough to bring her parents Chris and Jillian with her, has a safe return to Japan.
Sydney also got to attend her aunt Colleen's wedding. She got many pictures taken with the beautiful bride, who is now enjoying her honeymoon in San Francicso...the Rice A Roni city, with her new hubby Derrick.
As far as separation Anxiety...we have been told that separation anxiety is to be expected at around 8 months. I’m hopeful that Sydney will be able to handle this stage well. When I was younger, I can recall latching onto the doorknob at a daycare to prevent complete entry. They had to pry my fingers off, and then bribe me with candy (I didn’t sell out, but took it as consolation after I was already defeated into submission). We are hoping that Sydney has a better display than her dad. It’s funny that they also indicate that you grow out of separation anxiety. To that comment, I just dare you to take away my morning grande coffee…that’ll show
you how quickly we can revert. Of course, I would use any means available to prevent that from happening. But in the event that were to happen, I fully expect that I would ball up into the fetal position and rock myself to sleep! To date though, Sydney has been such a great little social lady. She enjoys time with just about everyone, and likes to smile and have a good discussion, even if comprehension is a secondary outcome...or more likely never achieved.
Tip #2: Bathing
Do: Your baby's hygiene is important. Bathe your child regularly in a small tub made for babies. This will be enjoyable for them, and also safe.
Don't: Use your garden hose and spray your baby down. I know what you're thinking, if a little pressure is good to get some grime off, then more must be better. But, odds are this will not clean your baby any better, and will most likely lead to an unhappy baby and an angry spouse. So please, please, do not use the hose on them until they're 12 and refuse to shower.!
Yea. See, all her bed protesting wasn't for nothing! Is she sleeping any better now? Reina was pretty fussy on the plane and has been protesting naps - we're wondering if she's started teething too. Hey, upload those pics from your cam to picasa. I can download them....onagaishimasu (please).