Mothers…the eternal teachers. Sometimes they teach through spoken word, sometimes they model behavior, and sometimes it is a combination. Sometimes teachings are done through love, and others through necessity. This picture is one illustration of where a mother begins to teach vital life skills to her daughter. In this particular case, it is teaching ‘the look.’ This serves many purposes for women, and can convey an immense amount of messages without actually saying a word. Fortunately, this one lacks the true potency of the typical evil eye that accompanies pursed lips and a general drop in room temperature, but I think mothers teach their daughters this behavior in a progressive manner…baby steps (if you will). And, since this was most likely Karen’s first attempt at this instruction, she’ll have to make sure she’s not on the verge of laughing next time. And to Sydney's credit, she gave her best first attempt at it.
But is this a learned behavior, or is it inherently genetic…intertwined in our DNA, and Mothers are merely vehicles to help ensure that gene expression happens for that particular trait? That really is the question of the ages, and one that I know every guy would certainly like to know the answer to.
Are there perhaps traits for men and there sons as well? Well, certainly nothing that compares to the level of ‘the look,’ but perhaps there are other...simpler behaviors.
Since the male species is not as complex of a carbon life form as the female variety, most of their life lessons tend to focus on mundane day to day activities. Do young boys naturally gravitate toward the remote control, or is it learned through father-son relationship bonding, or perhaps…again…through modeled behavior?
While I do not have all of the answers to these questions, I do think it facilitates the ongoing and fascinating discussion about the nature vs. nurture

Are there perhaps traits for men and there sons as well? Well, certainly nothing that compares to the level of ‘the look,’ but perhaps there are other...simpler behaviors.

While I do not have all of the answers to these questions, I do think it facilitates the ongoing and fascinating discussion about the nature vs. nurture

The other pictures shown here are recently received images from Rebecca, a local photographer who is able to capture amazing images of Sydney at six months of age. They will be cherished!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
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