So, the first three years are critical for brain development. It is amazing how much their brains grow, in fact 85% of brain growth happens during this time. If the scarecrow’s parent’s only knew this simple fact, he may have

had a brain! We’ve tried to engage Sydney in a variety of activities and experiences that will help her synapses spark with delight. Having said that, her list of chores never seems to get done? Haha…I’m only kidding. Chores are not part of her brain growth activities. Nope, they’re actually part of her character building activities :)
But we try to ensure she is stimulated with activities and interaction that will help her development. While I do want her to be smart, I don't want her brain to grow so big that she can't wear hats...that might be weird...haha!
Actually there is some irony in timing. Why, if our children need the best from us when their brains are developing, did nature intend for that to also be the same time period when children prevent you from sleeping…resulting in us not being our best as parents? Perhaps it is about the challenge more than anything, or maybe nature wants us to model resliency for our children to learn from. I would write more about this topic...but thinking about it makes me sleepy.
Well, in other news, Sydney had her 6 month appointment with Rebecca. Who is Rebecca and what does this mean? Rebecca is a local photo

grapher who has already taken pictures of Sydney...at about 6 weeks and at 4 months. What it means is that we have some more amazing pictures to share that Rebecca took. They say a picture is worth a thousand words...well, if that is the case then these pictures say a million words. I think they have truly captured Sydney in her true 6 month form...a happy young lady that loves to smile, and make others smile. She lit up for Rebecca, and just couldn't stop smiling at her.
So, I was thinking that as a parent of a now beautiful 7 month old, I may have some unique tips to offer other new parents of similar-aged, or younger children. So, assuming I can remember to do so, I will add a tip on fatherhood, parenthood, or just life in general with each post. I may offer up a simple thought, or share some 'do's' and 'don'ts.' Keep in mind this is my opinion only, and is not intended to serve as medical or legal advice. Having set the stage for that...
Tip #1: Swaddling
Do: If you are going to swaddle your baby, please use a baby blanket or even a pre-manufactured swaddler to wrap your newborn in. The tight wrap gives a sense of security.
Don’t: As good of an idea as it seems at the time, Do Not Use duct tape. I know, it seems like an inexpensive and creative way to tackle the task, but this will cause you to lose points with the baby, your baby mama, and definitely you inlaws!

Have a great week everyone!!! And Happy 7 months Sydney!!!