Friday, April 24, 2009

Sitting on the dock of the bay!

Sydney likes to get out and about, and experience least when the weather is nice. This past weekend Sydney went with her parents to eat some gelato and spend a few moments taking in the sights of Bellingham Bay. Although we can pretend she was deep in thought about the life-giving force of the ocean, she probably was only concerned with trying to chew on rocks or understand the smell of the saltwater. And we did try to convince her that she was not the cause of that particular smell.

As for Sydney's physical development, she has gotten better at sitting up without assistance. Sometimes without her props, though, she does start to mimick a large tree being chopped down...she just doesn't offer the same creeking sound on the way down. In the past, we used whatever props we could...pillows, blankets, the cats, whatever was in reach...but those days are surely coming to an end!

Now that she has become better at rolling from her stomach to her back, she has also decided to work on rolling from back to front. She usually makes it on her side, and then decides a break is needed to chew on her toys and drool on the floor.

She continues to talk up a storm. Unfortunately it comes out in what I can only guess to be Dutch, so we still have a small language barrier to work through. Those signs will come in handy!

Sydney must be starting to prepare for solid foods. Being astute parents, we acknowleged her salivation rate and new interest in looking at food...both good cues. These hidden messages were good to pick up on since the fact she went the fridge and fixed herself a bowl of cereal was not obvious enough.
Have a great Friday everyone!!!


  1. i'm tickled that the quilt is in good use! what a strong girl she is! she'll be running marathons in no time with her mama!

  2. I continually have to remind myself that Reina is 3 weeks behind Sydney. I'm ready for sitting up and rolling over. And laughing. Does Sydney laugh? Reina smiles a ton and "coos' but no laughing.
