Why is my child crying? How can I get him/her to stop? These may be common questions to every new parent. These were common questions to us, as well...or at least before we found "Cry Stop." It's a revolutionary new product that monitors the vocal activity of infants. When the sensor records an inappropriate decibel level (consistent with crying), it delivers a voltage to the child. I know exactly what you are thinking...how could it possibly have taken this long to come up with such an easy solution?!
But it's claim "Wake up feeling refreshed after a good nights sleep" truly delivers! And it helps to reinforce desired vocal activity.
Karen reported that 'parenting has never been easier.' Cry Stop can also be adapted when your infant reaches toddlerhood and becomes mobile. A simple add-on can prevent them from leaving the yard, or desired range of your property.
This product has not been released yet, and Sydney is assisting with the final testing phase, determining the appropriate voltage level needed to recondition behavior.
Some of you may think, don't they make a similar product for dogs? And to that, I would respond by saying 'why reinvent the wheel?'. It's always a great use of resources to explore additional applications to existing technology.
Ok, I just thought I'd point out that this is not a real product, and we'd never utilize such a thing if it was real. Thanks to Grandpa Meehan for doctoring up the photo, and also for brainstorming the product! For those of you that were hoping it was real, sorry to disappoint you. I'm sure many new parents would think, "how cruel," but it's possible that some parents of teens might think "I think they've really got something here." Haha!
Anyway, Sydney hopes everyone got at least a laugh, and has a great week!!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! I can't even imagine... the picture is awesome!
ReplyDeleteYou had me going for about a paragraph, then I reminded myself that I can't take anything Joe says seriously!