We definitely live in a digital age. Sydney

has learned that her life will entail lots of 'clicks' and 'flashes' and 'look over here' pleas. And while this is a normal part of childhood, her parents are hopefull that her little retinas can take the constant bombardment of flashes. And despite the title of this entry, her dad is only one of many culprits. After Sydney was born, a friend of a friend wanted to gain some experience taking baby pictures. She did a great job, so we asked her to come back. Here are some of the recent pictures take by Rebecca.
It does make me realize the sheer volume of pictures we will end up with for Sydney, drastically different from my childhoold...largely due to the technology we now

possess. With current technology, it's partly about instant gratification. We can see what we just took, edit it, download it, or upload it, and print it out. We become impatient when we have a two-second delay capturing the image from snap to flash. It won't be the good old days of taking a roll of pictures and hoping you get one or two good pictures, especially using good ole black and white film. If you don't like it, you delete it on the spot.

It makes me also think about the difference other technology from Sydney's childhood and my own...pretty stark. It really is amazing to think about. She will not know the joy, or pain, of vinyl records and (dare I say eight-track). She will not experience the same home videos, at least the kind where you have no sound and have to rewind the reels. She'll experience her music through ipods and internet downloads, and she'll only know her movies in stunning hi-definition. The internet was not around when I was a child, and now Sydney will most likely spend time 'twittering' or 'Facebooking.' Her parents will try their best to keep her 'unplugged' though.

I really guess there is nothing wrong with these advances. It does offer more opportunities to capture and preserve memories, and clearly it provides an increased load of material that can later be accessed, by her parents, for blackmail. This can be handy if she doesn't want to do her homework, or chores, or other things she supposed to be doing. Just don't tell her that :)
Have a great week!!!