Friday, March 20, 2015

A Visit With the Mouse

We recently took a trip to Disneyland.  This had not been part of our vacation plans this year, but we managed to fit in a short 4-day vaca this month.  Since we had only decided last month, we thought it would be fun not to tell Sydney that we were going.  She had to know that we were traveling ‘somewhere,’ so we told her that we were going to Oregon for a ‘work-thing.’  Although it was a true test of character for us, we never told her or let slip where we were truly headed.  Our plan succeeded until small hints began to surface at the airport in California.  “Why does that sign say Disneyland Express?”  Of course, my casual response was that it was just advertising…after all, Oregon is next to California.  We managed to keep it a semi-secret all the way to the hotel, distracting her from the obvious signs that we were literally right next to the park.  In fact, we managed to get about 100 yards from the park before she was certain we were at Disneyland.  We passed about a dozen garbage cans that said Disneyland on them.  As we rounded the final corner, she said “it’s weird this looks a lot like DL.”  I agreed and said it was strange that this convention center had so many similarities.  Finally, she looked at Space Mt. and said, “but what’s that then?”  Okay, if you’ve ever seen it, there really is only one Space Mt. (except for the other Disney parks).  I told her that was an odd shaped building and moved on, but by that time she basically had it figured out.
                Aside from the fun of keeping it a secret, this was a fun trip because Corwin was old enough to enjoy the park and even go on a number of rides.  And let me tell you, that little dude has serious thrill issues.  I was a little nervous, at first, about taking him on some of the fast, twirling, or spinning rides, but the reality is he loved it.  He had no trouble grinning and laughing on the rides, and it’s almost like he already rode them his whole life.  Okay, I know he’s 2, so perhaps a ‘shortish’ lifetime so far.
                Sydney also enjoyed all of her favorite rides, plus a few new ones.  Beyond the rides, it was helpful that Sydney and Corwin like the movie Frozen, because everything was about Anna and Elsa at the parks.  In fact, Disney’s marketing experts had done such a great job they just asked us to turn in our wallets as we entered the park.  They could just install bins with a picture of a wallet that reads “Deposit here.  You won’t be needing this back.”  Ha ha!  On the Frozen theme, one of the cool things (I guess literally) was an indoor area dressed like a scene from the movie.  In this building, every 10-15 minutes snow would come down from the ceiling (the real stuff, not confetti).  I’m sure the locals were ecstatic since they rarely see that white stuff falling from the sky.  Syd and Corwin both loved playing in the snow, too…but what kid doesn’t?
Playing in the snow...inside!
                Unfortunately, trips like this are never forgiving to the waist line.  Churros, ice cream, and park food are not a recipe for a slender figure.  But, as they say, “when in Rome.”  That’s a strange saying, and I don’t know how it applies to Disneyland, but I will use it anyway to feel better about the quantity of calories consumed.
                All in all, it was a fun trip to ‘Oregon.’  With that said, it’s always nice to come home.  Plus, that also re-sets the countdown for the next trip.  I hope you enjoy pictures from our most recent adventure!


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