Happy New Year!!! Okay, so it's almost February, but I think etiquette lets you say it at least for the first full month. If the first few weeks of the new year are any indication of how 2015 will go, then we should expect to be in for another busy year.
Sydney continues to stay busy. In fact, sometimes I think she needs her own personal activity coordinator. She's loving school, and she's recently taken up acting. She's taken it up around the same time I did. Actually, this was the age when I starred in a play with an actress that later won Academy Awards...but I won't name drop since I told Hillary Swank I wouldn't do that, ha ha! Actually, I'm sure it's the opposite and that she name drops me all of the time! :) Sydney's acting is coordinated through school, and apparently she will be in the Lorax sometime later this year. I'm sure it'll be a while before they assign parts, but I know she'll do great, whatever part she is...and if happens to be a tree, I'm sure she'll be the best, most lifelike, inspirational tree anyone could possibly ask for. In other Sydney news, she is also signed up for soccer. Soccer doesn't start for a while, but she's been asking about it for quite a while.
Corwin is also not void of activity. Fairly soon Corwin will start his swim classes. He'll start out in the pollywog or tadpole class, or some sort of little slimy creature that hasn't mastered swimming yet. I'm sure he'll love getting in the pool and flexing his gills. I just know we'll have to invest in another critical piece of equipment for his class, and that is the swim diaper. I don't want to go to far down this path, but let's just say he had an accident in the tub last week, and we can't have the same occurring at the kiddie pool. In other Corwin news, he just continues to amaze us everyday with his new vocabulary, and his sense of humor. He loves laughing and saying "that was funny." And believe it or not, he actually has a good sense of what is funny.
She is always so serious! |
Karen has taken on some new direction at work, and she will begin taking the lead on some of the new projects. This will be a good challenge for her, and I'm sure keep her from spending her days shopping on the internet (oh, I meant it'll keep her busy...ha ha). On the home front, Karen is spending some time going through all of the infant/toddler stuff that has outlived it's purpose in our household. We've been making some good donations, and consigning some of the rest. It's fun to see some of the old stuff and reminisce, but it's even better to get a few things out of the house that no longer serves much purpose. So, if you know of anyone looking for clothes or toys that have been heavily drooled on, just let us know.
We are also looking forward to a trip to Hawaii in July. None of us have been to Hawaii before, so we are looking forward to a little relaxation and fun. I know what you are thinking, and you would be absolutely correct in thinking it...it's speedo time!!! Someone will have to rock it on the beach, at the pool, and at local luaus. My challenge will be to find a matching one for Corwin. After all, what could be more awesome than a dude in a speedo than a dude and his kid both in matching speedos? If you come up with an answer let me know, because I don't think one exists. Five of the seven days we'll be at Disney's Aulani resort. It has plenty of fun things to do for the kids, including a massive pool, snorkeling area, splash pad, man-made stream, and everything else that offers you plenty of chances to prune up your body in the water. We'll also be spending time with the Eastmans on this trip, giving the little ones some great time with friends!
Well, there is always a lot more I could say, share, or make up, but I'll just leave it at that for now. Have a great weekend!!!
Who's your Daddy?! Oh wait, I guess that's me! |

Sydney and her artistic gifts... |