Sydney has continued to blossom in her new sport...futbol (soccer to you less educated folk). Her skills have improved, and her vision for the game is unparalleled for her age group. OK...I guess that's a little untrue. Well, in fact, there's not much truth to it at all. Sydney spends more time picking up cones and sticking them on her head, pulling her shirt over her head, playing in the dirt, playing with the grass, and picking random flowers than actually playing with any real intention. But, I guess that's really the way it's suppose to be when you're three!!! So, as long as she has fun (even though she doesn't usually know which direction her team is going), then that is what matters. She's had positive experiences with all of her other sports and hobbies, so this shouldn't be any different. Her practices take place on Monday nights and her games take place on Wednesday nights, so it has kept our schedule fairly busy, too.
In a few weeks, Sydney will flex her fins and re-engage her gills as she takes back to the water for swimming class. She always enjoys it, and this time she'll likely have a couple of friends joining her in taking 'the plunge.'
In other news, we are preparing for a trip to Oregon to visit Sydney's uncle and cousins. That should be a fun trip with our first chance to meet her newest cousin. That's it for now, but we hope everyone else is doing well!!!
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