We went in for our 20 week ultrasound. That tends to be a big visit, as it reveals really what you are expecting in there...if you know what I mean. That really puts the 'ultra' in the whole ultrasound visit. The tech searched and verified, and just as I suspected, it is human! At least as far as I can tell. I had a weird sense that Squishy was humanoid, with arms and legs and digits. That's more than I could ever ask for considering the situation with it's mother (ha ha, only kidding babes). So, I'll be a happy father to another human being. OK, so beyond the fact that it is human, we did find out that we were in fact getting a boy :)

I wasn't too concerned ahead of time about specifically wanting a boy, or definitely another girl. I was truly fine either way, but somehow it does seem to be a nice balance having both.
Sydney needed to make some adjustments to the news. We had thought Squishy was going to be a girl, so Sydney was preparing to have a sister. She did start to warm up to the idea of having a brother, but she specifically indicated that she wouldn't mind a brother as long as it was a girl. She's not quite getting the whole message there, but that's OK. Since then, she's really looked forward to having her brother join us this Fall.

In other news, we're looking forward to going to Montana in June for a wedding. Sydney will get some quality time with Nana from Montana, and we'll also get to attend Mary's wedding (one of Karen's close friends from high school). Although I'll be attending the wedding, Sydney and Karen will actually be part of the wedding. Karen will be a bridesmaid, and Sydney will be an adorable flower girl. Both are very important roles. I'm sure they will excel in their responsibilities and not buckle under the pressure of meeting expectations of a perfect wedding. I may be assigned bachelorette party duties, but I haven't done exotic dancing in a while, so I'll need to brush up on my moves :) Ha ha, I'm only kidding...it was recent, so I'm always ready to go. Poor Squishy...he has no idea the family he's getting into. In advance of his birth, I apologize for all of the embarrassing things that I will do, I will make him do, and that we'll do together. I think his DNA will be programmed to understand, and possibly even respect and admire the talent that goes into being...let's just say 'unique.'

There will be much more to come. The summer is packed full of many more fun events. Stay tuned!!!
Have a great weekend!!!
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