Mo Mo...Avocado...Green Bird...she had many names, but Cosmo was always living life to the fullest. She was 110 grams and a lean, green, squawking machine. Unfortunately, she passed away recently due to health problems. It was a very tough loss, and the Fuller household is still adjusting.
While she had a knack for screeching loudly at times, was very protective of her pet frog, and was able to bite and draw blood a few times, she did have her shining moments. She was a proud whistler. While her tunes were limited to a few specific songs (Andy Griffith, etc), she loved to try and create her own melodies. Let's just say she would not have won Quaker Idol. Her latest project had been Jingle Bells. What we thought might be a ten month project turned into a three year project. And even with that, it was typically just the first few notes that she would get right.

She had a passion for food. She loved fresh vegetables, bananas, cheese, and really anything that people would like. She embodied the idea that she was merely a stomach with wings. I don't know how she ever achieved flight. Bath time was also a favorite of hers. She loved getting in the water and walking around. She also loved, and at times put up with, her best friend Blueberry. But as much as she liked preening and spending time with Blueberry, Karen was always her special human. We'll all miss her.

In Sydney news...and since we're discussing birds, she recently got to go out and see the 'big birds,' as we call it. The large macaws and cockatoos are loud and their biting power is immense. For these reasons, Sydney has never been allowed to go see them before. But, with careful selection of which birds she could see, she got some good snuggle time in with one of them.

In other news, Sydney has taken the plunge (literally) and is back in swim class. Her gills are now fully formed, and her aquatic nature is similar to that of Daryl Hannah in Splash. In fact, we have to we her fins at home every 30 minutes...ha ha! Well, everything else seems to be going along just as busy as ever. More to share later, but for now have a great weekend!!!
A picture I took last week in my driveway. I like the
fact the tongue is sticking out. |
So sorry to read about Cosmo's death. Love you guys.