There's a certain segment of the two-year old demographic in Whatcom County that is back into tumbling action. In this case, Sydney, Maggie, and Kate are all enrolled in the Spring session of tumbling class at the Y. What does this mean for the energy-abundant two year olds?....well, of course running, jumping, tumbling, and screaming with fun. What does this mean for their mommies and daddies?...that's right, chasing, corralling, persuading, and at times, crying while begging for cooperation.

I make fun of it, but all in all, it's a great time that the little ladies enjoy. Who wouldn't enjoy jumping on a trampoline and doing somersaults down squishy mats? It is great fun to see them burning off the energy, all while hoping enough energy was released to eventually result in an afternoon nap. And while achieving a nap might seem like a small benefit, after tumbling class a nap is actually much needed and well-deserved by the parents. So, when we are lucky enough to achieve such a gift, we make use of it by participating in the same napping activities. When we are less fortunate, we struggle through the day with growing bags under our eyes that are a badge of our dedication and love for our children.
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