Sydney has definitely made progress on the potty-training front. Last weekend we were able to spend most of our time at home. That gave her a chance to be without a diaper. Overall, she did pretty good and only had a couple of setbacks, but we asked her on a frequent schedule if she had to go to the bathroom. On one occasion, she said, "uh oh, I spilled." Which, I guess if you are spilling your bladder then technically it is accurate. But, in general, she did really well. Since she hadn't been as excited about using the throne at home, we had to resort to a little bit of the old and time-tested method of bribery. This at least peaked her interest in trying, which was all we were striving toward. Hopefully this will start the natural trend of wanting to go and she'll make it her normal habit. Having said that, I won't be holding my breathe quite yet.

In other news, Sydney has been obsessively playing with a cardboard box in our living room. Sure, what kid doesn't like a cardboard box? But there's only so many times you can put her in, take her out, put her back in, take her back out....before you become fatigued. I think the excitement with it is wearing off, but I'm sure she'll have a new fixation to take it's place.
As far as counting and ABC's, she's doing great on both fronts. She will occasionally skip a few numbers, but that just means we don't let her leave the tip when we eat out. And as for her letters, she has got the ABC song down pretty well. We're just waiting for the remix version to come out, along with the club mix. All in all, everyone is doing well and Sydney is just loving life!
As for the pictures, I thought it would just be fun to include a few of the older pictures...since now she is becoming such a young lady.
Grandma Gloria went to Oregon to visit Uncle Nathan and the cousins, so we hope she travels safe and has a lot of fun with them!!!
Have a great weekend everyone!!!