Aside from watching the Tinkerbell movie, Sydney has recently spent some time in her own bright green and gold-sparkled Tinkerbell costume. She keeps Mickey and Pluto in her bed at night now. She is also getting good at identifying and saying many of the Disney characters' names. I like to think of these activities like stretching so you don't pull a muscle. She's preparing and working hard to make sure she doesn't drop the ball in the big game. In February, Sydney will make her first trip to the promised land. I know what you're lucky can she be to go to the Starbucks Coffee Roasting plant...ha ha! OK...the other promised land. She'll make her first journey to Disneyland in California, the "other happiest place on earth!"
The trip to California will offer Sydney a variety of things. Vitamin D and warm weather are the first thoughts that come to mind, but more importantly, she'll have a great opportunity to spend time with her Grandma as well as her Nana from Montana, in addition to her old Ma and Pa. I'm sure she'll also get to experience some fascinating rides and attractions. She's already a world traveler, so a quick little jaunt down to California should not be much of a problem for her. She hasn't been to the sunshine state before, so she is eager to add that to her resume.
Sydney has also become a sponge for so much. It's hard to say anything or do anything without her trying to replicate it, and usually with great accuracy. This has entertained us much of the time, and completely astonished us at other times. And one thing is for certain...she is certainly willing to share her opinion and also tell you what she likes. Although we don't let her watch much (if any) TV, she has recently found a show with a pig called Olivia. She adores the show, and she learned very quickly what "after dinner, Sydney" meant. Before we even eat, she is reminding us "Livia pig...after dinner."
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