Friday, November 5, 2010

Not for a lack of words...

She sometimes goes for a more
sophisticated look.
I read that toddlers around Sydney’s age learn about two new words every hour. That’s an incredible rate which translates into a lot of new speech. Inversely, with my increase in age and general lack of sleep, I think I am losing about two words per hour in my vocabulary. So, at least our household has ‘no net change’ in overall speaking abilities. But her advancement has led to sharing words we didn’t have a clue she new, and some we didn’t think she would say for quite some time still. She is starting to put together some simple sentences, and she enunciates many words very well. To try and trip her up, we’ll throw out an Italian or French word, and while she may not know the meaning or have a context for the word at this point, she’ll often repeat it back.

She’s also doing great on the potty training front. It’s not uncommon for her to go at school, and now she even asks to use the potty at home. I guess you could say she’s really getting her $h*# together!...haha. But it’s great to see her wanting to use the potty, and perhaps soon she can be switched to pull-ups or something along those lines. It’ll be nice to finally pull the puppy pads up off of the floor :)

Singing is also a favorite activity. Each night, Sydney loves to dance around to ‘If Your Happy and You Know It’ and a few other numbers she likes. When the song is done, she usually says…”Sydney happy,” and of course...”more.” While it is great to see her completely engrossed in the song, you would not want to be a fly on that wall. To that extend, let’s just say Karen and I would not intentionally submit any other creatures to our singing ability, or perhaps more accurately, lack thereof.  We apologize to the dogs, deer, raccoons, and other animals with sensitive hearing that live in the neighborhood.
Sydney and Dad show proper support
during the Sounders first playoff game.

Sydney will be wrapping up her swim class this week, but will also begin her new session of tumbling. That will make for a busy morning, as she’ll have just 30 minutes to lose her gills and grow her tumbling legs.  But she loves all of the activity, and we have a great time doing it with her!

Have a great weekend!!!

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