Sydney spent some time with Mom and Nana from Montana in different shops in Fairhaven a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, while at one of the toy stores, Sydney fell in love with a particular toy...a plush owl puppet. It must have been her dead-lock kung-fu grip on the owl that eventually led to it's purchase...when attempts to separate child from said object resulted in high-pitched screaming, a red-coloring in the face, and overall distress. Let's just say Sydney won that particular battle :)
Who knows where she got her affection for birds of prey??? I'm not really sure. Ok, perhaps she got her love of owls and other raptors from her father. Perhaps she realizes how smart and wise her father is, and wanted to find an animal that reflected that trait...like the 'wise old owl.' Isn't she just clever...haha!

Perhaps when she gets older she will be able to volunteer at the raptor center where dad had volunteered for quite a number of years. Of course, being the raptor expert he is....upon closer inspection of 'Mr. Hooter', Dad pointed out the innacurracies of the replicated plush animal. They won't be pointed out in this particular post, but feel free to inquire if interested.

While her affection for this new object is very clear, she wanted to make sure that her parrot family members were not offended by this new adoption, and that she still very much adores them. So, to Kona, Cosmo, and Marti, do not fear the plush creature that in real life would stalk you without your knowledge and crush you with its razor sharp talons in a blink of an eye. For everyone else...
Have a great weekend!!!
too cute!