Friday, April 23, 2010

The 'look'!

Sydney has recently been trying out 'the look'.  While there are many types of 'looks' one can give, in this case I am refering to the look that women can give other people to easily beat them into submission.  The look that can drop the temperature in the room, and make the hair on the back of your neck stand on end :)  She must have seen someone else doing this, because she has figured out a way to crinkle her eye brows and deliver a complimentary stare at the same time.  I think it's just a matter of her developmental and physical aging...and that uncovering new facial expressions and trying them out is natural.

Although I do believe it is interwoven into the genetic structure of every human female, I do think there is also a shared environmental teaching that brings this look to it's full and damaging reality.  This is a powerful weapon, and most women wield it responsibly.  When certain situations arise, this one look can convey a million messages without uttering a word.  For obvious reasons, we do not have any pictures of Sydney completing this act.  After the first few days of this, we decided that when she showed her 'look' we would make a silly face at her.  Sure enough, and without a doubt, you could slowly see the edges of her mouth start to turn up, her brows release, and a smile comes out.  She just couldn't resist smiling and giggling a little about it.  I think she must have thought this whole expereince was a fun game.
Fortunately, I think this was just a short lived period in Sydney's infant/toddler life.  She is now back to her giggly, smiley, happy self.  So, hopefully we won't see 'the look' again...or at least until her teen years....haha!

In other news, Sydney is still trying to prep for her big trip to Australia.  She's got her passport, and she'll be looking into getting a travel visa in the next few weeks.

Included in this post are a few more shots taken by Rebecca Brethauer at our last photo session :)

Have a great weekend everyone!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Turning the Page in Sydney's Life...Literally!!!

We have quickly learned that Sydney LOVES books.  There are soo many great things she loves about books and reading that she is already developing a pretty decent library of her own.  Some books are educational, some are more for entertainment, but she enjoys each of them.  It is likely a combined fascination of the colorful pictures and odd letters on each page, along with the manner in which each story is read to her. 

Unfotunately for her parents, she loves some particular stories a little too much.  It is to the point where I think the 'story' itself is getting a hole worn in it.  Poor Itsy Bitsy spider doesn't care about water spouts anymore...he just wants a nice vacation at this point...and I can't say I blame him.  And the 'Five Silly Monkeys Jump'n on the Bed' have just have about had it.  One is getting so overworked he called in sick the other day, and two others have put in their paperwork for some extended leave.  When pressured to return the next time the book is opened, one even threatened to submit an L&I claim for bumping his head while on the clock.  To avoid provoking a lawsuit with this troubled monkey, we may only have four silly monkeys the next time we review the story.

While her books can spark youthful imagination, and support her overall ability to read, it must be noted that books can also serve as weapons (intended or not).  On more than one occassion Sydney has managed to toss them...I'm sure she is not doing it in a malicious manner, but just to encourage you to read them to her.  Unfortunately at times they manage to land in the most inopportune areas (especially for her dad).  So, to all of the new dads out there, don't be shy to wear a cup when you child wants story time...haha!

Thanks to Grandpa Don for putting up with us (and mostly the ankle-biter) last weekend.  The ideas of the sound-proofing and utilizing a diver's mask will be put to good use.  And this weekend, it was great to spend time with Dave, Lili, and Maggie (one of Sydney's BFF's).  It's great to see them consciously playing together.  You can really see their awareness of the world and others, changing.  The concept of sharing is being recognized...which is fun to see 'in action.' 

Have a great week everyone!!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Sydney spent some time with Mom and Nana from Montana in different shops in Fairhaven a couple of weeks ago. Apparently, while at one of the toy stores, Sydney fell in love with a particular toy...a plush owl puppet. It must have been her dead-lock kung-fu grip on the owl that eventually led to it's purchase...when attempts to separate child from said object resulted in high-pitched screaming, a red-coloring in the face, and overall distress. Let's just say Sydney won that particular battle :)

Who knows where she got her affection for birds of prey??? I'm not really sure. Ok, perhaps she got her love of owls and other raptors from her father. Perhaps she realizes how smart and wise her father is, and wanted to find an animal that reflected that the 'wise old owl.' Isn't she just clever...haha!

Perhaps when she gets older she will be able to volunteer at the raptor center where dad had volunteered for quite a number of years. Of course, being the raptor expert he is....upon closer inspection of 'Mr. Hooter', Dad pointed out the innacurracies of the replicated plush animal. They won't be pointed out in this particular post, but feel free to inquire if interested.

While her affection for this new object is very clear, she wanted to make sure that her parrot family members were not offended by this new adoption, and that she still very much adores them. So, to Kona, Cosmo, and Marti, do not fear the plush creature that in real life would stalk you without your knowledge and crush you with its razor sharp talons in a blink of an eye. For everyone else...

Have a great weekend!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Sydney is finally starting to talk a bit more. While she has been saying Mama and dada and uh oh on a fairly regular basis, we have finally heard a very clear word. "Puppy!" Course, we don't exaclty have a dog and we say kitty and birdy all the time since they are in the house, but apparenlty she is more of a dog person! Haha.

We do have neighbors that have a dog that you can see regularly in their backyard, who barks at us incessantly when we come home, but Sydney can see him from the window and loves to star at him and now usually points and says "puppy!" Its freakin' adorable. So apparently a dog is in our future one of these days.

Ru has also formed another wonderful life skill. I know this one will get her far! She does "fish lips" for us, just about whenever we ask. It's a big hit!

Easter has happened and of course Sydney had to wear an adorable Easter dress, don't know what i'm going to do when she forms her own opinions on what to wear! We got to go to Great-Grandma and Grandpa's for Easter dinner and see all the family.

Sydney had a great time with Nana last weekend and can't wait to see her again! Next time she will be a world traveller and have lots of stories of kangaroo's and koalas to share with Nana.