Saturday, March 27, 2010

15 months and counting...

Sydney is a bright and creative little creature. She recently figured out how to play her favorite music. She opens the cabinet that houses the stereo, pushes play on her desired CD, and then closes the cabinet door behind her. We were pretty proud of that, but then she decided that she would take it a step further and program her favorite songs off of the three CD's, and then also put those designated songs on random shuffle! I'm not even sure how to do that, so I'm assuming she must have browsed through the Sony manual....haha!

One thing that Sydney has really enjoyed over the last couple of months is her blanket. The blanket is not only a perfect tool to perform 'hide-and-seek,' but it is also just great fun to cover up and pretend no one can see you. Sydney also finds it highly entertaining to throw the blanket over her head and run around (while unable to see). You might think the downside of this activity would be running into things or falling down...and I would agree. Conversely, Sydney thinks this is even more enjoyable and laughs and laughs when it happens. Maybe she knows something we don't...I might have to try it later and see what happens.

Sydney also gets the pleasure of having her Nana from Montana stay with her over the weekend. She doesn't get to see her enough, so she'll have to catch up on all of the latest news and show her all of her crazy signing and other skills she likes to show off. And since we're on the subject of grandmas, Sydney hopes Grandma Gloria has a safe and enjoyable trip with Nathan and the kids. She also hopes that YaYa Sherri makes a very fast recovery. Yesterday Sydney was telling me that Grandmas make the world a better place...and I would have to agree!

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