If you know Sydney's mom at all, you would not be surprised to know that Sydney was not born in the typical manner...she actually hatched from an egg. Well, maybe that's not entirely true, but it definitely does elude to the level of involvement birds play in our family life. While we have three parrots (wait...correction...two parrots and one stomach with wings!), one has become very friendly with Sydney.
Martini Blueberry ('Marti') represents one-third of our feathered family members. She also represents the one-third that does not bite Sydn

ey, or the one-third that doesn't fly away from her in complete and utter terror. I wouldn't exactly say that means Blueberry is thrilled with the little tyke, but she tolerates her immensely and we feel very safe when Sydney is interacting with her.
Sydney thinks this friendship is the greatest thing since they put the pocket in 'pita.' She loves to give Blueberry kisses, and she even gets to walk around with her friend on her shoulder. Now how many of us can say that? Although it appears she is eating the bird in the picture, she is merely showing her sign of affection with a kiss (please note, Sydney's style

of kissing involves unhinging the jaw and opening it was wide as possible, and then giving you a big, slobbery, drooly kiss. She has not mastered, in fact I have only experienced it once in her a lifetime, a closed-mouth kiss).
I am not sure if this early connection with a parrot could put her down the career path of being a pirate, but I believe she should consider all options at this time. And while the

majority of people would be opposed to encouraging their children to enter such a profession, I do believe her mother would be excited that she chose a career that involved birds...haha!

n a different and much more serious note...at times I wonder what it must be like to be little again...everything must seem so big and scary. So, to try to understand and emphathize with Sydney, Karen and I have decided to swap out all of our furniture, houseware, and clothing, for new, larger items. You can see Karen enjoying part of the new 5-piece dining set that we obtained. Although we initiated this endeavor for very positive reasons, I do have some concerns about our new shipment of underwear coming next week.
Have a great weekend everyone!!!