While Sydney sees Mom and Dad everyday, the holidays were special since she also got to enjoy time with other famliy members she doesn't get to see as often. Sydney had a great time with Nana Donna and was proud to show her walking, babbling, and laughing abilities. She also enjoyed seeing her Uncle Nathan and his family. She wishes the visits could be more frequent and longer, but she enjoys the time that she gets with each of them!

Sydney also had a great New Year. While she didn't quite make it to the drop of the big ball, she did manage to get her celebrating in earlier. She also took a few moments to reflect over the past year, and to also make some resolutions for the New Year. Some of her resolutions are logical choices for her age and development, such as learning to talk, potty training, etc. But she did also mention in passing that another goal she has for 2010 is to learn to make the perfect cappucino for her daddy :)
In other news, Sydney is really turning into a rocket on two legs. She loves to walk around all day, and she often picks up speed when she is being chased or has other motivations. We look forward to sharing more of the holiday pictures, and recent adventures from Sydney, in the next post...so stay tuned!!!
She looks so cute in her Christmas dress!!! Miss you guys!