On the less dramatic side of things, Sydney’s actually put her new equipment to use to tackle some new solid foods, including baby Gogurts (a dried form of yogurt), baby-crackers, cheese, and also Cheerios. And let’s face it, they’re unsinkable!...if that’s how that commercial goes. This has actually been a fun phase to begin. Not only is the idea of eating solids a sign of her growth, but it’s also fun to watch her eat finger foods. This, in addition to the nourishment she receives, actually helps her with coordination and finger dexterity…so she is really developing new skills while she is meeting her dietary needs.
Although they say you might not know it for a few years, I believe I have seen some early signs that she may be right-handed…at least from watching her with her toys and finger foods. Maybe it’s too premature to know, or I’m just projecting…but that’s ok…I have a 50-50 chance of being right, and those are good odds any day!
Other quick news...Sydney has made progress in her standing. She's made it as long as 10 seconds on her own. She is also crawling with lighting speed on all fours. Good job baby Sydney!!! We also thought it would be fun to share a picture of when Sydney was little, and very young (since obviously she is sooo old now!). The picture of her crying just seemed entertaining to me, so I thought I'd share.

Tip #10: Friendships
Tip #10: Friendships
Try to become friends with other couples that have colicky children. Out in public, by comparison, this will make you look less tired, more considerate, and give others the general perception that you are a high-functioning parent…and able to control your child. In private, you may not wish to associate with them, as their child will likely irritate you.
miss that sweet girl! next time i see her...she'll be running!!!