So....another first for Sydney on Memorial Day weekend. She had her first ever swimming experience. We took her to the kiddy pool at the Y. Another surreal moment for me, since I remember going to that exact pool when I was little!
Following this new adventure, we came to one conclusion...she loved the pool! She did not complain once, and she happily splashed with her hands and feet. Sometimes, in her exuberance she splashed so hard she soaked her own face and was confused why she was splashed. While it was a great adventure, we did notice some mysterious bubbles eminating from her posterior...hmm :) But, fortunately, we were able to disembark the pool area before she grew scales and a fin!
In other Sydney news, she has been able to sit up for longer periods of time, unassisted. In a matter of just a few weeks, she is getting extremely stable, and doesn't tip over much anymore. This has also made it easier when she sits at the table with us for dinner, as she supports herself in her chair much better.
On a different note....while Sydney has also been rolling from front to back for some time, on May 17th she started rolling from back to front. This is another milestone, and one that means she'll be interested in crawling soon. Oh, the challenges that will bring to her parents!!!
Also, she has started actually eating solid foods. In the past few days she has started consuming more food than she spits out. The first several times of introducing solid foods to her, she basically would push it back out with her tongue...or even better, make a raspberry sound and have it spray all over, usually accompanied with a big grin! The solids, at this point, are rice cereal and a form of oatmeal cereal...not too bad. I'm just not looking forward to the strained carrots or peas or all of those other vegetables. I can't wait to blend up a Big Mac for her!!!...only kidding :) As excited as we are, the one down side to the whole thing is found in her diaper. I'll save you the adjectives this week, but next week I'll consider if fair game!!!
This is a recent picture of Sydney with her mom and good-lookn' grandpa!
Have a nice weekend everybody!!!
Joe, you are a talented writer. I love reading about Miss Sydney!