This is the second installment of the Sydney saga...ok, really it just means the second post on her blog, but calling it a saga makes it more dramatic. But this week found some important milestones. On March 15th, Sydney turns 3 months old. This means she has completed life outside of the womb for what others call the 'fourth trimester.'
So what did this three month milestone entail? First off, she got a new addition to her entertainment repetoire, her jumper. This is just the latest of gadgets to go with her 'swing' and 'bouncer.' But so far she loves each of them, as she has become more and more entertained by anything that moves, flashes, and makes noise.
Sydney has also found a new enterainment medium...the Wii (pronouced wee). As a part of her baby education regiment, Sydney's parents have decided that playing this game system is an essential part of developing crucial hand-eye coordination skills. The picture shows her driving with Wii's Mario Kart (Ok, actually she has no idea what she's doing, and she's probably drooling during the picture...but she likes all of the colors on the TV).
Although Joe and Karen are excited that Sydney is developing her dexterity skills, the picture does point to one thing....the bald spot. I guess it's not uncommon for babies to rub off some of the hair on the back of their heads. This has led Sydney's Dad to one crucial invention...the 'baby combover.' Once her hair has grown long enough, her longer hair will simply be combed over the bald spot. As easy solution to a problem of the centuries.

In other news, she got to spend her frist night over at Grandpa Meehan's on Whidbey Island. This was her first night away from home, ever...or at least since the hospital. She had a great time, and wanted to stay up all night chatting about 'girl stuff.'
Lastly, we thought we'd include a picture of Sydney with her Great Grandmother. We think it's a cute picture...and the fact is, if it wasn't for her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, she wouldn't exist today. So thank you Grandma and Grandpa!
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