Thursday, March 26, 2009

Rock n 'ROLL'!!!

Although Sydney has a number of friends, she sometimes finds herself in questionable company. The latest picture depicts her encounter with Dopey and Grumpy. But her parents aren't quite worried yet. In fact, they have decided that she could (in fact) serve as the rarely acknowledged eighth drawf, 'Drooley.' She has certainly displayed the ability to create a puddle at any random moment.

Sydney got a great chance to visit with her Nana from Montana. She made the big journey down to Sea Tac to pick her Nana up. Afterwards, she made a slight jaunt to the Cheesecake Fatory, where she got to have lunch with her Nana and her Mor Mor. And although she loved the dessert choices, she opted out in order to maintain her girlish figure.

She loved the weekend visit with her Nana, and can't wait until the next visit in July. They got to spend time laughing and talking about a number of things, and Sydney loved every minute of it. Sydney also taught her Nana the skill of making 'raspberries.' It was easy to tell how proud Sydney was to share this new accomplishment with her Nana!

Sydney has also decided, at her early age, to have a strong work ethic. After asking to help with the laundry, she demonstrated a passion to throw herself into her work. Although her parents are proud of her ambition, they are cautious to giver her too many responsibilities, realizing that actually folding the socks instead of eating them has some advantages.

There is also one other big addition to news for the weekend. Sydney must have heard the old saying 'a rolling stone gathers no moss,' and later been worried that she may in fact be growing some moss, because she began rolling over from her stomach to her back. As the weekend went on she became more and more proficient at the task. This has reminder her parents, especially her dad, that baby-proofing the house will actually need to occur sooner than later!
Sydney wishes everyone a good week, and says not to worry about the dow dropping slightly today, she knows it'll bounce back!

Friday, March 20, 2009


Sydney has been keeping up on her email and her blog. In doing so, she has begun to realize that using the control-alt-delete function is essential when the computer does not cooperate. She has also become a frequent Google'er when wanting to know about recent baby issues.

As Sydney cannot peform verbal communication at this point, she has resorted to other forms of communication. Recently, Sydney started utilizing the 'baby pound-it' sign to let her dad know when she likes something, or as a greeting. It's a simple gesture coprised of two steps...1) make a fist, and then 2) bump it against an accompanying fist, as illustrated below.

Sydney would like to thank her dad for introducing her to the world of futbol...or the world of soccer to you Americans. Sydney has already taken up the sport with vigor, and her favorite teams are Manchester United and the Seattle Sounders. Once she learns that the sport entails more than biting and drooling on the ball, she will be in good shape! But although her passion is high for this sport, she will also entertain her Olympic dreams for competing in curling and badminton.

In Grandma news...Sydney wishes safe travels to her Grandma (headed to Oregon), and her YaYa (headed to California). She also welcomes a visit from her Nana over the weekend (coming from Montana), and also a visit from her MarMar (from Bellevue). She loves all of them!!!

Baby BFF's

So, who said 3 month olds don't have social circles? When Sydney isn't chatting online or texting with her baby BFF's (best friend forever), she occasionally likes to meet up with them to catch up on the latest baby know, things like "have you tried the latest bouncer," and "I can't believe Angelie's baby was caught wearing that outfit." All the usual stuff.

Actually, Sydney got a chance to meet up with her friend Maggie. Maggie and Sydney were nice enough to also let their mothers (Karen and Liliana) tag along, but that's because they are thoughtful and love their mommas.

This week, Sydney has continued to develop her motor skills...which have found her in her own personal competition to blow the largest bubble. And not surprising, she wins every time. Knowing the DNA she inherited from her parents, it's not a surprising act.

Life at home has also found a routine for the family. Sydney has gotten use to her eating times, as well as her non-sleeping times (which she tries to ensure happens between 9:00 pm and 7:00 am).

Finally, that last picture is from the Sydney arhives...way back when in early February when she was just about 8 weeks old. It's a fun picture of all of the cute babies from the parenting class. Of course, all of these babies attended the class, they just weren't on the outside yet. But we hope they are all doing well and growing big and healthy!!!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

This Week in Sydney

This is the second installment of the Sydney saga...ok, really it just means the second post on her blog, but calling it a saga makes it more dramatic. But this week found some important milestones. On March 15th, Sydney turns 3 months old. This means she has completed life outside of the womb for what others call the 'fourth trimester.'

So what did this three month milestone entail? First off, she got a new addition to her entertainment repetoire, her jumper. This is just the latest of gadgets to go with her 'swing' and 'bouncer.' But so far she loves each of them, as she has become more and more entertained by anything that moves, flashes, and makes noise.

Sydney has also found a new enterainment medium...the Wii (pronouced wee). As a part of her baby education regiment, Sydney's parents have decided that playing this game system is an essential part of developing crucial hand-eye coordination skills. The picture shows her driving with Wii's Mario Kart (Ok, actually she has no idea what she's doing, and she's probably drooling during the picture...but she likes all of the colors on the TV).

Although Joe and Karen are excited that Sydney is developing her dexterity skills, the picture does point to one thing....the bald spot. I guess it's not uncommon for babies to rub off some of the hair on the back of their heads. This has led Sydney's Dad to one crucial invention...the 'baby combover.' Once her hair has grown long enough, her longer hair will simply be combed over the bald spot. As easy solution to a problem of the centuries.

In other news, she got to spend her frist night over at Grandpa Meehan's on Whidbey Island. This was her first night away from home, ever...or at least since the hospital. She had a great time, and wanted to stay up all night chatting about 'girl stuff.'

Lastly, we thought we'd include a picture of Sydney with her Great Grandmother. We think it's a cute picture...and the fact is, if it wasn't for her Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa, she wouldn't exist today. So thank you Grandma and Grandpa!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Economic Stimulus Plan

About 12 months ago, Sydney's Dad had an idea that the economy would tank. He thought to himself, what could I do to help this economy? Then it hit him, having a baby would be perfect.

Karen, Sydney's Mom, is intent on purchasing every random baby thing that has been mentioned on the web. It brings me to wonder, how did we ever evolve as a species before we had Babies R Us, with every type of device available known to man. Initially, I had also entertained the idea that Sydney's middle name could be 'tax-break,' but the reality is that Karen's purchasing ability is more geared towards helping the economy, than realizing rewards from any potential tax break.

All kidding aside...Sydney is coming up on 3 months old. She was born December 15, 2008, on a very snowing day in Bellingham, WA. This is our first entry on a new blog for her. I know in this day and age it seems like we're being negligent parents, but please don't call CPS, as we promise (or at least will attempt) to make an entry every week.

So, to try and at least catch up a little, I just wanted to give you some background on Sydney's path to existence...not that part you sicko! I'm merely trying to say that Sydney enjoyed (in utero), a trip to Europe that included Italy and France. She also made a small jaunt to Victoria, Canada. So, she was a world traveler before she made her most important trip...the one into the big world. She was 7lbs. 13ozs. when she made her big entrance.

Since then, she has enjoyed the company of friends, family, and started many of her own adventures. We will try to capture some of her many adventures here...stay tuned!!!