So, Sydney took a few unassisted steps on her own on November 22nd. She made forward moving progress after standing...this was different from those times I like to refer to it as falling

gracefully. Some times it is a lunge, or a stumble, or something of that nature. But on this particular occasion she lifted up her tiny little legs and pushed one in front of the other. This exceeded the 'one step and drop' method that she had perfected, and on this day she actually strung together three steps. We hope the cats heed this development...and if not they like to experience even more clumps of hair ripped away from their tails and various body parts! We wish her continued growth in her walking endeavors!!!
As this week marked Sydney's first Thanksgiving, she found it her duty to share things that she has been grateful for in her first year of life. She decided to provide a top ten countdown of those things she is appreciative of. While friends and family are the obvious top items, she wanted to share her 'othe

r' things.
#10 My orange ring times I could not live without it, just as you could not survive without your least I don't think that is a vital organ
#9 That I can get away with crying like a baby because...well, I'm a baby
#8 The great ladies at daycare that watch my back...much love to ya's
#7 I can be called a boy and not get to upset about it, especially when some can't obviously tell that pink and purple are girls' colors (this really says more about them than me...honestly people, get a clue)
#6 Let's face it...turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, and enough food to make the waist line stretch the limits of your diaper lining
#5 Pets. Life would by specifically 39.9% less interesting without cats to chase and birds to laugh at. While I know I may torment them from time to time, I only do it out of genuine love and affection
#4 My peeps (this is a shout to all of my baby friends....holla!)
#3 At this age I can pull of fat thighs and knees, and cankles (no visible sepration between the leg and foot) are the 'in' thing
#2 Being know that little thing that makes it possible to have the other 9 things on my list
#1 That I can poop in my pants and no one judges me!

Well, the end of Thanksgiving can only mean one thing...the start of the Christmas season!!! Sydney was excited to help decorate the tree. Yes, the decorations are out and we're in full holiday mode. (I'm pictured above with my Uncle Steve...who I recently called 'momma' at Thanksgiving!). Below, I'm pictured with my biological mom while critiquing her tree decorating.
Tip #19: Encourage Art
It is very important to support your child’s creativity, especially when they express it through art. Make sure to provide the tools they need to facilitate this growth…otherwise, you may find their canvas will be your wall, couch, or possibly even your pet.