It is true…Corwin’s age no longer begins with a decimal point. He has reached an important milestone, his first Birthday. Of course, it meant the occasion had to be saturated with friends, family, and an overabundance of sugar. Corwin has had almost no sugar in his first year, but he made up for it at his party, eating enough cake and frosting to kill a rhino. Of course, he probably had 40% of it on his face and not in his gullet, but I’m sure he consumed enough, too.
While birthdays are markers, Corwin also experienced another milestone. He recently changed rooms at daycare and has moved up to the ‘older kids’ class. I’m certain he will like it, but it’s still a bit traumatic for Karen. It’s hard for her to see him grow up so fast.

The big “1” will come with some new expectations. After all, the ‘free ride’ is over now!...he he. We fully expect that he’ll be able to help with the dishes, mow the yard, clean out gutters, and everything else a free-loading one-year old should do. They should be contributing members of the family, right? Okay, that obviously not going to happen, but maybe he could shoot for at least making less of a mess at the table, waking up less in the middle of the night, etc. Other than that, his primary job of looking cute will do the trick :)
We did notice some similarities between Corwin's first birthday and Sydney's first birthday. Can you tell who is who???
In other news, Syd has regained her gills and is back in swim class. She has a lot of fun, and we like that she is getting skills that can help keep her safe.
For the rest of us...busy at work as usual, but we are looking forward to Halloween and Holiday Season to arrive!
Happy 1st Buddy!!! We love you!!!