A few things have happened in the last couple of weeks. Nana from Montana made a visit for Memorial Day weekend. It was great having her and she got to see how far Corwin has come since Christmas. Sydney got to spend a girls day out with her too, getting pedicures and shopping.
We also got to go enjoy the local Highland Games in Ferndale this year. Joe always has to have some haggis, it is an important ritual. Sydney enjoyed watching the bagpipers and the dancers, in fact she wants to do some Scottish dancing, but we'll see where that takes us!
Syd started swim class again, she is now in the intermediate level, so hopefully this will mean that she can actually swim a bit soon. But she is slowly getting better and more confident.
And lastly, Corwin is now rolling to get places! Sydney never discovered that skill, she went straight to army crawling, so this is different, but he will roll all over the living room to try to get to this and that. It is very cute. I think by the end of June he will probably figure out how to move forward, then watch out! Also, he is very into yelling at his toys and making noise. If we were at all worried about him being able to make his presence known while Sydney is around, well, nothing to fear there!
That is it for now! Sorry it wasn't more entertaining, Joe decided to "let" me write one for once. (Maybe this will encourage him to get back on the bandwagon, hehe.