A couple of years ago Karen had the opportunity to help our her Uncle Dennis by donating bone marrow. She had gone through numerous tests to confirm she was a proper match. Before we knew it, Karen and I were on a 14 hour flight with an 18 month old, destined for Australia.

While we were there we made several trips to the hospital for testing and for the actual procedure, but we did get to enjoy spending some time with Kris, Becca, and Dennis. We also got to see some of the sights of Sydney.

This April, Uncle Dennis made the jump over the big blue pond to make several stops in the U.S. This gave us a chance to catch up and visit while he was here. So, he literally traveled from his wonderful Sydney to our wonderful Sydney. I know, from Sydney to Sydney sounds like the sequel to another bad chick flick. But, of course, Sydney was thoroughly excited to have company. We managed to have some great conversation about tips for creating the best espresso, and also shared camera tricks for getting a great image. All in all, a very fun day. We hope he enjoyed his time in the states, and will look forward to the next time we get to see him.
In other news, Sydney completed her last swim class. She'll take a little break before beginning whatever he next endeavor is. Beyond that, we expect a busy busy summer with a trip to Florida, then a trip to Montana for a wedding, and then the arrival of our friends from Japan. This will certainly be a very full schedule, but it's all fun stuff that we are looking forward to.
That's it for now, but we'll have some fun things to share soon!
Have a great weekend!!!