Poor Chris Kringle...either his GPS malfunctioned (perhaps he heard the voice 'recalculating....recalculating' too often), visual impairments impeded his descent, or he simply chose to avoid our modest little home. Well, truth be told, Sydney made out like a bandit in the gift department. She's such a lucky little girl.

Beyond the commercial aspect of the holiday, Sydney had a fantastic time over the holidays. Being three years old, she understood a great deal, and this translated into excitement and a deal of youthful energy.
We were able to spend Christmas with our large family for a nice meal at my Grandma and Grandpa's house. And Nana also flew out from Montana to spend the holidays with us. All in all...a lot of family, a lot of food, and a lot of fun.
Beyond the holidays, Sydney also continues to amaze and entertain us. Recently, she has begun to make a number of faces, and most she'll do upon request. One face that she excels at is her 'krinkle' face. For the holidays, I just referred to this expression as her 'Scratcher face'...he was the mean impostor reindeer from the Rudolf movie. I just thought I had to share that picture.
While she was here, Nana provided a lot of fun and entertainment for the Sydney Ru. They both enjoyed each other's company and look forward to seeing each other in May.
And Happy 2012!!!