We started off 2010 with Sydney just having completed her first birthday. A great milestone by itself, and leaving us wondering what we could expect for the second year of her life, and also for those of us living in our late 20's...wink wink :)
Well, in June we took a big journey to Australia. This served the very important purpose of Karen donating bone marrow to her uncle Dennis. And during the trip, we did get to see some great sights of Sydney, but more importantly we got to spend time with Dennis, Kris, and Rebecca. We were grateful for the time that we got to spend with them and to get to know them. They are great people, and we are glad they are family.
Later in the year, we also got to visit Sydney's uncle Nathan, and all of her cousins in Florence, Oregon. This was also a special time as she gets to see them just once or twice a year. But it's truly the case that quality, and not the quantity, of the visits truly makes all of the difference.
Sydney also got to experience her very first (in person) Seattle Sounders game, began to experience the joys of 'going' on the potty, and also developed physically, mentally, and verbally...especially over the last few months. Her texting abilities have grown exponentially, and her use and fluency of speaking IM has well exceeded expectations.
It's always fun to see how she compares, physically in this case, to the previous year. The pictures below shows one set that was taken in April of '09 in Seattle to the comparables that were taken this week. It's just a great visual reference of how this little girl has progressed. It's amazing just how quickly she has grown, and I can only imagine this next year will be more of the same. She is truly becoming a little lady :)
Beyond that, 2010 has brought great times with all of her family members, baby friends, and older friends that care about her. She also got to visit with her friend Reina from Japan, and also kept up with other BFF's, including Maggie and Kate. All in all, a great and amazing year. We would not have changed much about it. Having said that, I believe the best is still to come!
Nana shows Sydney how napping is done... or is it the other way around? |
Happy New Year! Welcome 2011!!!