What a busy week for the Fuller household. Sydney continued her aquatic escapades as she enjoyed another swim classes. Her current swim class will end in two weeks, which I surmise to be sufficient time for her functional gills to fully grown in. What can we say, she loves the water and loves to swim. And, you know you enjoy taking her as a parent when you are looking to download songs that are sang in swim class :) When she concludes her final swim class she will re-engage in another favorite of hers....tumbling!
On the home front, we have recently converted Sydney's bed. I know what you must be thinking....this means we finally took the chicken coup wiring off of the top of her crib that prevented her from escaping....ha ha! But actually, it just means that her crib was converted into a day bed (intended by the manufacturer). While this means that she can enter and exit her bed at will, we found out quickly that when she is in bed for the night, she is there for the night (thankfully!). Naps have been a different story, but that's ok :)
She continues to talk up a storm. When I ask her to look for things, she'll respond with 'I find it.' Or if I say 'ready', she'll say 'set...go.' It's really funny, and you never know what she is going to say next. One morning she woke up early and got to spend her last hour sleeping in our bed. And when she the alarm clock finally went off we got to wake up to her chanting...."Sounders"....seriously, and I was so proud I had to respond saying, "Seattle," while fighting back a single proud tear from trickling down my face. Of course, on the way to school, though, the conversation is usually 'more buses' or 'school bus.' This is because we see WTA buses, as well as a number of school buses, on our route. She is fascinated with buses.
Despite the fact that we did not perform the act of carving pumpkins, it was a rather enjoyable Halloween, and we enjoyed it with our little giraffe. And let's just say since we didn't carve pumpkins we may still have the option of pumpkin bread! We hope everyone else has a safe and enjoyable Halloween. And remember, it's ok to 'call out' those homes that decide to handout raisins or popcorn balls at Halloween this year....I mean really, what are they thinking!