What a cute face! |
Every now and then history finds a unique gathering of sorts...one that has been rarely seen throughout time but where the purity of wisdom can only be imagined. Is it mere coincidence, or are some mysterious forces at work that gathered these individuals on a holiday which just happens to be called "Labor Day." While the pun is present but not intended, no greater truth is present than the fact that an extensive and raw collective knowledge of motherhood exists here. While this gathering cannot accurately be named...if we had to title it, we 'd call it the Council of Mothers.
The council in session... |
OK, so maybe that is just the dramatic way of saying that we had a Mother's BBQ. I guess in Sydney's case, it was her grandmothers. It was a fun afternoon, where Sydney got her dosage of grandmas, ya yas, nanas, and more. It is great when they can all be in one place at one time :) It is great to see that the generational relationship is strong and thriving...what could be better...
The group imparts wisdom to
the youngest. |
Burgers, corn, potato salad, fruit salad and more marked the items for consumption, but interesting stories and entertainment provided by Little Miss Pigtails were the true entrees. Sydney of course loved every minute of it. She enjoyed showing off her new words and new skills. She's quite comfortable in a group, and she often likes the attention of so many caring individuals. We hope the Council of Mothers can unite again in December, over the holidays.
Exhaustion sets in... |
In other news, Sydney's vocabulary has grown exponentially in the past few months. She uses new words on a daily basis, and in context with correct meaning. It is too hard to even keep track of them now. As parents, we feel like we have truly succeeded so far in her speech development, as she has never once used a swear word (despite her parents)...ha ha!!!
We look forward to other great upcoming activities. Sydney will soon be traveling to Oregon to visit her Uncle Nathan and all of her cousins, and then she'll experience a life-changing event in October...her first Seattle Sounders game!!! She's learning the skills needed to attend the game, such as the appropriate chants and holding her scarf high!
Have a nice weekend everyone!!!