Sydney has covered all of the critical words. Momma and Dada have been spoken, much to the relief of her parents. She has also said puppy, repeated 'kitty' on rare occassion, and has also said yeah, as well as yea! These are all fairly basic, and nothing to be surprised about. So, it made sense to expect the next few words in her growing list of vocabulary to be somewhat similar.

This will be our last post until we get back from Australia. So, I hope you can wait for an update until we get back in mid June. So, if Sydney comes back saying g'day, crikey, and few other terms that are common to that continent, don't be surprised.
Great Grandpa Pagels took some great pictures the last time we visited that we just had to share. He managed to get one of Sydney with her Great Grandma, another picture with her dad, and one with her favorite pet species...dogs. Grandma Gloria was also able to get a picture of her while she was reading. A thumb to suck on...a good book with predictable story line...what could be more perfect :)
Have a great few weeks everyone...and wish us luck on the 15 hour plane ride!!!