Friday, November 27, 2009
It's as easy as 1...2...3!!!
As this week marked Sydney's first Thanksgiving, she found it her duty to share things that she has been grateful for in her first year of life. She decided to provide a top ten countdown of those things she is appreciative of. While friends and family are the obvious top items, she wanted to share her 'other' things.
#10 My orange ring times I could not live without it, just as you could not survive without your least I don't think that is a vital organ
#9 That I can get away with crying like a baby because...well, I'm a baby
#8 The great ladies at daycare that watch my back...much love to ya's
#7 I can be called a boy and not get to upset about it, especially when some can't obviously tell that pink and purple are girls' colors (this really says more about them than me...honestly people, get a clue)
#6 Let's face it...turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, and enough food to make the waist line stretch the limits of your diaper lining
#5 Pets. Life would by specifically 39.9% less interesting without cats to chase and birds to laugh at. While I know I may torment them from time to time, I only do it out of genuine love and affection
#4 My peeps (this is a shout to all of my baby friends....holla!)
#3 At this age I can pull of fat thighs and knees, and cankles (no visible sepration between the leg and foot) are the 'in' thing
#2 Being know that little thing that makes it possible to have the other 9 things on my list
#1 That I can poop in my pants and no one judges me!
Well, the end of Thanksgiving can only mean one thing...the start of the Christmas season!!! Sydney was excited to help decorate the tree. Yes, the decorations are out and we're in full holiday mode. (I'm pictured above with my Uncle Steve...who I recently called 'momma' at Thanksgiving!). Below, I'm pictured with my biological mom while critiquing her tree decorating.
Tip #19: Encourage Art
It is very important to support your child’s creativity, especially when they express it through art. Make sure to provide the tools they need to facilitate this growth…otherwise, you may find their canvas will be your wall, couch, or possibly even your pet.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Sleepless in Bellingham???
Friday, November 13, 2009 it just a number?
But with this advancing in age, it can only mean one thing...that Sydney has benefited from the increased wisdom that her mother has achieved over the years. It's is apparent that Karen's years have led her to develop a personality that exemplifies the essence of caring, nurturing, and most certainly maturity (as demonstrated in next picture).
Sydney asked me to include the following message to her momma on her birthday. "Momma...I hope you have a wonderful birthday. I hope you have fun, and I'm glad I can celebrate your birthday this year on the outside world. I'll try to give you a nice big kiss later, even if it come with a quart of drool. And thank you for all of the hugs, kisses, and diaper changes this year. I hope you enjoy my nice kind words for your birthday...especially when you remember my birthday next month!!!
Sydney is also gearing up for the holidays. She's been hearing rumors about a big guy in a red suit that brings a load of booty to each home. As she's been somewhat skeptical about the situation, she's googled this individual to detemine more vital information. She is still perplexed by the unique lifestyle and career choice of Chris. In preparation for Christmas Eve, she antcipates setting snares and other booby traps to try and temporarily detain the subject and extract some answers. We wish Sydney the best in this particular endeavor :)
(We wanted to share a couple more pictures that were taken by Rebecca Brethauer...the last two :)
Tip #18: AffectionBe sure to show physical affection to your child. Hugs and kisses are important to supporting a child’s healthy development. As he or she gets older, realize that your child may want to replace this physical affection with (if you are lucky) text, emails, and tweets. If this happens and your child becomes distant, it is even more important to maintain physical affection for your children…especially when their friends may be present and it forces them to be disgusted. I would offer other advice if it were an option, but that becomes an expected role of parents.
Friday, November 6, 2009
A Picture is Worth...
...if taken right, can definitey be worth a thousand words. In this particular case, it may be closer to a million. We recently got our pictures back from Rebecca. So, as amazingly entertaining and funny as these posts typically are (modesty once again present), I wanted to make sure this post highlighted a few of the recent pictures, which are pretty incredible, at least in our humble opinion. Our session with Rebecca was taken out at our friend Colleen and adopted Mom Judy's property, and it was the perfect setting for taking Sydney's 10 month pictures.
While we want to share some of these amazing pictures, it is important to wet the appetite. We will be showing more in the coming posts.
While Rebecca's pictures are something that we will treasure forever, I thought it was important to also share our pictures from Halloween Day...documentation of Sydney's first ever trick or treating experience. We experienced this endeavor with David, Lili, and Maggie (Sydney's BFF). While the babies were absorbed with task of looking adorable, the dads were tasked with peddling the kids for as many sugary treats as could be solicited. The pictures below show the shameless process that occurred.