I guess first off I should say Happy Father’s Day to my Dad, my other Dad Don, and my Grandpa Harry and Karen’s Grandpa Emmett.
And since I write the blogs, I guess instead of wishing myself a Happy Father’s Day, I can actually use this time to reflect back on my time as a newer, but still proficient, father (did I mention modest, too?). So, a good place to start is by asking myself a couple of questions…
What has it told me about myself?
Simple things first…it has taught me that I can function on little or no sleep. Work has certainly been a haze on more than one occasion. Other than that, I have not been afraid of diapers, drool, and other liquids emanating from random body parts. Fortunately these have not come with a significant amount of smell at this point. But, when she was very little I did need to make sure she was breathing on several occasions, but this largest worry of all new dads can be remedied through the old stick method…poking it to make sure it’s ok. But Sydney is certainly a good teacher, and she always reminds me of the importance of being patient, funny, and kind…not to forget to also be available to her whenever she says to be.
What has being a dad meant to me?Aside from diapers, lack of sleep, and randomly ringing eardrums, I know that this a magical time. Spending quality time with such a cute, curious human that looks at the world with fresh eyes, always wondering, “hey

, I wonder what that tastes like!” is something I appreciate. And I will cherish these memories, always knowing that the future holds tougher tasks for me as a Dad, most notably boyfriends in the teenage years. But, genetics have told me to have hatchets and other sharp objects lying around, accompanied by a crazed look in my eye the first time she brings a boy over. I look forward to all the moments between then and now…haha!
Being a father, I've also realized the importance of teaching the right values. The only way we can truly be effective parents is by teaching our children the values they need in life. I take this responsibility very seriously, and I've already made sure that Sydney is routing for the right teams, which would be Manchester United and the Seattle Sounders. This is one important teaching from father to daughter, but there will be plenty more to come.
All kidding aside, I think Sydney has been a great daughter, and I could not have asked for more. She makes me laugh and smile, and reminds me what is important in this world!!!
Pictured: Grandpa Don and "Cashew" at Home Depot.And Happy Father's Day to all of the other Dads out there!!!